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Kõigile pressiteateleThirst quencher on tour - with lightweight body for maximum payload
Six new Berger ecoCHAMP LTO lightweight curtainsiders in operation for PepsiCo Germany
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GT Trailers and Schmitz Cargobull AG sign strategic partnership
GT Trailers, a major producer of high-volume sets and trailers from the Opole region, in Poland, has signed an agreement with Schmitz Cargobull AG that will see Europe’s leading manufacturer of semi-trailers, trailers and bodies, from Münsterland, Germany, acquire a 48 per cent share in the business.
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Schmitz Cargobull is increasing prices for all vehicle types
Schmitz Cargobull, Europe's leading semi-trailer manufacturer, is to increase its prices by three to five per cent by product group.
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Trailer Services
Schmitz Cargobull pakub terviklikku teenuste paketti, mis katab kogu kasutusperioodil ära kõik treileriga seotud vajadused.

Schmitz Cargobulli autorongid firmale HAVI
20 uut M.KO furgoon autorongi koos kesktelgfurgoon-haagisega Z.KO, mida kasutab HAVI toiduainete transportimisel läbilaadimisega autorongidena.
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