Customer testimonials

Customer testimonials

Schmitz Cargobull vehicles in use by our customers every day. Testimonials and application stories from customers for customers.

All fresh logistics

The Austrian specialist for secure transport jobs, All Fresh Logistics, uses telematics and a special door locking system from Schmitz Cargobull to make sure its valuable cargo arrives reliably at the customer without sustaining any damage.
More about:All fresh logistics

TAE Transports i Serveis integrals

The Spanish transport and logistics company TAE Transports i Serveis integrals is reinforcing its fleet with 40 S.KO COOL SMART reefer with the EXECUTIVE PLUS package and is therefore once again relying on our technology and services.
More about:TAE Transports i Serveis integrals

HAVI Logistics

Schmitz Cargobull is supplying new articulated trucks to the logistics provider HAVI. The global player is able to look back on a special corporate history.
More about:HAVI Logistics
Schmitz Cargobull is supplying new articulated trucks to the logistics provider HAVI.

Geiger Group

The Oberstdorf-based Geiger Group tests Schmitz Cargobull prototypes. This customer relationship also began with a test.
More about:Geiger Group
The Geiger Group tests S.KI tipper semi-trailers

Reich transport company

Reich transport company takes over curtainsider semi-trailers for EcoDuo combination. Philipp Reich, owner of Reich transport company from Vimfow, took ownership of two new vehicles equipped with a POWER CURTAIN.
More about:Reich transport company

Pfenning Logistics Group

The Pfenning Logistics Group transports goods for food retailers with Schmitz Cargobull vehicles.

More about:Pfenning Logistics Group
The Pfenning Logistics Group transports goods in Schmitz Cargobull semi-trailers.

STI Freight Management

STI Freight Management is investing in the latest generation of S.KO COOL box body semi-trailers and is planning to gradually equip its entire fleet with the new Smart Trailer technology.
More about:STI Freight Management
STI Freight Management relies on S.KO COOL box body semi-trailers.

J.S. Logistics

One-stop shop - that could be said to be the slogan for the partnership between J.S. Logistics from Kirkel in the Saarland region of Germany, and Schmitz Cargobull.
More about:J.S. Logistics
Partnership between J.S. Logistics and Schmitz Cargobull