Actueel nieuws
Naar de persberichtenThirst quencher on tour - with lightweight body for maximum payload
Six new Berger ecoCHAMP LTO lightweight curtainsiders in operation for PepsiCo Germany
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GT Trailers and Schmitz Cargobull AG sign strategic partnership
GT Trailers, a major producer of high-volume sets and trailers from the Opole region, in Poland, has signed an agreement with Schmitz Cargobull AG that will see Europe’s leading manufacturer of semi-trailers, trailers and bodies, from Münsterland, Germany, acquire a 48 per cent share in the business.
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Schmitz Cargobull is increasing prices for all vehicle types
Schmitz Cargobull, Europe's leading semi-trailer manufacturer, is to increase its prices by three to five per cent by product group.
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Trailer Services
Schmitz Cargobull biedt een geïntegreerde servicewereld die alle behoeften rondom de trailer over de gehele gebruiksduur afdekt.

Schmitz Cargobull vrachtwagencombinaties voor HAVI
20 nieuwe vrachtwagencombinaties van het type gesloten motorwagen M.KO met gesloten middenasseraanhanger Z.KO als doorladercombinatie in gebruik bij HAVI voor voedseltransport.
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