Electric cooling - S.CUe
The S.CUe is the electric cooling unit for the S.KOe COOL and S.KO CITY. 100% output with zero emissions, specially developed for inner-city distribution transport.

Teie eelised
Osakoormuse intelligentne reguleerimine ja temperatuuri optimeeritud juhtimine spetsiaalselt tundlike kaupade transportimiseks.
Kaubaaluste kast 36 kaubaalusele säilib.
Vastupidava ja pikaealise akutehnoloogiaga emissioonivaba külmaseade.
Veidi kõrgem kaal võrreldes diislikäitusega külmtranspordimasinaga.
Täielikult dokumenteerimine andmetalletuse ja -näidu kaudu lihtsalt käsitsetaval Online-Dashboardil.
Greater comfort and lower noise levels thanks to a newly developed decoupling of the drive unit
Proactive service through real-time monitoring of the cooling unit
Europe-wide service network with trained specialist workshops
S.CU e85 and S.CU ep85 cooling unit
The right product for every requirement
S.CU e85
Electric refrigeration unit for distribution use
S.CU ep85
Emission-free, all-electric cooling unit with innovative charging technology
- Optimized temperature control, especially for the transport of sensitive goods
- Mains operation 32 A, 400 V at 50 Hz, operation via ePTO possible
- 15,800 watts cooling capacity, 10,500 watts heating capacity
- Available in MonoTemp version
- Integrated power electronics, battery operation incl. e-axis
- Optimized temperature control, especially for the transport of sensitive goods
- Autonomous running time Ø ~4.5 h
- 15,800 watts cooling capacity, 10,500 watts heating capacity
- Power supply (400 V AC, 50 Hz) by battery system or via mains, charging with CEE plug
- On-board charger 22 kW
Applies to all cooling units S.CU: