Extra strong and robust chassis for 44 tonnes or more - maximum strength, maximum versatility. The reliable trailer for demanding transport tasks.
  • Šassii
  • Veermik
The MODULOS chassis offers greater reserves of power

MODULOS šassii

MODULOS šassii pakub suurema jooksevkoormuse ja optimeeritud kaalu tõttu suuremaid võimsusreserve. Ühes tükis valmistatud valtsprofileeritud pikikanduritega vastupidav sõidukiraam hoolitseb kõrge stabiilsuse eest ilma termilise väändeta.
Rohkem teavet
Running gear
  • lk
  • Topeltkorrus
  • Tagaosa
  • Põrand
  • Katus
  • Bulkhead
  • Kõrguseseadur
High loading volume with the double-decker system for the S.CS curtainsider semi-trailer


Kasutage mittevirnastatava kauba korral laadimisruumala topeltkorrussüsteemiga optimaalselt ära. 50 mm vahekaugustel saab süsteemi individuaalselt laadungile kohandada nii, et tekib paindlik teine laadimistasand.
Rohkem teavet

LED interior lighting

With new LED light strips in our curtainsider semi-trailers, the interior is now even better illuminated and ensures improved safety when loading and unloading at any time of day.
Rohkem teavet

Ramp package Rear

Ramp package Rear package protects rear portal and head frame from damage during loading. It consists of reinforcement of the head frame in the chassis as well as delta steel ramp bars and compressible roller ramp buffers. The compressible roller ramp buffers compensate for vertical movements under load and absorb impact shocks. The trailer body is protected and the impact force is directed into the chassis.

Rohkem teavet
The rubber bumpers protect the semi-trailer body when approaching the ramp


Rambi juurde sõitmisel kaitsevad kummipuhvrid sõiduki pealisehitist tõugetest ning vastusõidulöökidest tingitud kahjustuste eest. Puhvrid väldivad kalleid ja ajamahukaid remonte.
Rohkem teavet
The double folding doors for the S.CS curtainsider semi-trailer


Anodeeritud alumiiniumprofiilidest tagaseinauksed on kerged, pikaealised ja korrosioonikindlad. Profiilülesehituse tõttu saab uksi kahjustuste korral lihtsalt remontida.
Rohkem teavet
The rubber bumpers prevent damage to the rear portal of the curtainsider semi-trailer


Üles- ja allaliikumisi rambi juures peale- ning mahalaadimisel kompenseeritakse rull-nurkrammpuhvritega. Kummipuhvrid väldivad kahjustusi tagaportaalil nii, et sadulhaagis on kaitstud.
Rohkem teavet
The continuous combination of bumper and steel bumper strip protect the semi-trailer in the event of impact shocks.

Delta terasrammimiskaitse

Läbiva delta-terasrammribaga terasest nurkrammpuhvrid kaitsevad vastusõidulöökide korral sõidukit. Puhvrite ja terasrammriba läbiv kombinatsioon juhib jõudusid ühtlaselt edasi.
Rohkem teavet


Bulkhead with lashing eyes on the inside of the corner profiles for simplified load securing.
Rohkem teavet
  • Rehvirõhusüsteemid
  • piduriklotside kulumisnäidik
  • Vilkuv külgmärgistustuli
  • Elektrooniline rambi juurde sõitmise abi
Pressure monitoring system
Control and timely information on tyre pressure with the tyre pressure system


Rehvirõhu juurdepumpamissüsteem kontrollib rehvirõhku ja pumpab vajaduse korral iseseisvalt juurde. Tulemuseks on rehvide väiksem kulumine ja parem sõidukäitumine.
Rohkem teavet
The Schmitz Cargobull tyre pressure control system.

TPMS with autolocation

The tire pressure monitoring system indicates when you need to top up the air in a tire. With autolocation the sensor is assigned to the correct tyre position. The Schmitz Cargobull sensor learns independently and records the tyre pressure and tyre temperature data. With the correct tire pressure, the tires wear less and you save fuel due to the improved rolling resistance.     
Rohkem teavet
Brake pad wear indicator
Brake pads always in sight

Brake pad wear indicator

The wear display signals at an early stage when a brake pad needs replacement, ensuring greater safety in road traffic and avoiding downtime and high consequential costs.
Rohkem teavet
Flashing side marking lights
Side marking lights for enhanced road safety


Vilkuvad külgmärgistustuled (SML) aitavad seejuures pööretel õnnetusi vältida. Kui juht paneb suunatule sisse, siis vilguvad külgmärgistustuled sadulhaagisel kaasa ja annavad liiklejatele pööramistoimingust märku.
Rohkem teavet
Electronic ramp approach aid
Information on resetting with the electronic ramp approach aid

Electronic ramp approach aid

The electronic ramp approach aid assists drivers when approaching loading ramps. Once reverse gear has been engaged, the system uses visual and audible signals to inform the driver of the distance remaining behind the vehicle. When the semi-trailer is nearing the ramp, the trailer brakes independently.
Rohkem teavet
  • Kujusidusus
  • Sidumispunktid ja -vahendid
Lashing points and aids


Just-in-time without stress - delivering on time with TrailerConnect®

Advantages for the dispatcher

  • Better planning and forward-looking action thanks to real-time transport data
  • More transparency for all parties involved
  • Efficient processes
  • Alarm messages in case of unforeseen events
  • The customer receives automatic status information on his freight order

Advantages for the fleet manager

  • Efficient processes and perfect quality of goods
  • Monitoring of fleet transport orders in a central view
  • Efficient utilisation of the trailer fleet and reduced costs through forward planning
  • Clearly structured reports on fleet usage simplify planning 
  • Fast communication in case of questions

Advantages for the driver

  • Early notification of possible breakdowns in the beSmart app
  • All important information always at hand

Customer satisfaction included - with the TrailerConnect® Portal

Plan and monitor just-in-time transports centrally in the TrailerConnect® portal.
Rohkem teavet
  • Safety in swap transport
    − Ensure the correct combination with truck identification and coupling status.
    − PIN-protected immobiliser prevents misuse and theft
    − The vehicle is only moved by authorised persons
  • This is how tour information is transmitted in a secure way
    − Transfer real-time data on tour status and arrival time via TrailerConnect® Data Management Center
    (DMC) to the client's real-time visibility systems
    − Route planning with automated functions, e.g. automatic route start with geofence in TrailerConnect® TourTrack Detailed information on DMC and TourTrack on pages
  • This reduces fuel and CO2 consumption
    − Eco sensor monitors the roof position of the rear of the aerodynamic trailers S.CS EcoFLEX and S.CS EcoVARIOS for fuel efficient transport
    − Sensor position is displayed in the TrailerConnect® portal and in the beSmart driver app
  • Assist to monitor the load in the trailer
    − Active bluetooth responders on load carriers inform about the current location of the goods
    − Sensors in the trailers report the tracked load carriers to the TrailerConnect® portal
    − Use free cargo space efficiently and avoid incorrect deliveries
  • Support with advance planning and keeping to deadlines
    − Monitor tyre pressure and trailer for more trailer uptime and just-in-time deliveries
    − Plan workshop appointments in advance for optimal route planning and efficient fleet deployment
    − Proactive maintenance saves costs


Ulatuslikud sertifitseerimised Teie ohutuse tagamiseks igapäevases transporditöös.

  • Pealisehitise pikkus p13,62 / 14,92 / 16,37m
  • Pealisehitise laius p2 480mm
  • Pealisehitise kõrgus p*kuni 3050mm
  • Kaubaaluste seisuplatsid34 / 37 / 40Euroalused
* sõltuvalt sadulduskõrgusest ja seadusega sätestatud raamtingimustest.


Sobiva teeninduslepinguga säilitate täieliku kontrolli kulude üle ja meie hoolitseme selle eest, et jääte mobiilseks!
Rohkem infot:Teeninduslepingud
Service Partners keep you mobile and minimise your downtimes.


TrailerConnect® telemaatikaga saate kogu vajaliku informatsiooni oma sõidukite kohta.
Rohkem infot:Telemaatika
TrailerConnect? telematics provides you with all the information you need on your trailers.


Me koostame Teile individuaalse pakkumuse atraktiivsete tingimustega kogu Teie investeeringu elutsükliks.
Rohkem infot:Rahastamine
Individual quote with attractive terms and conditions for the entire lifecycle of your investment.

+49 (2558) 81-0

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