Con un volume di carico elevato, il semirimorchio centinato S.CS MEGA definisce lo standard di riferimento per il trasporto di merce voluminosa. È certificato ai sensi della norma DIN EN 12642 codice XL e soddisfa inoltre le indicazioni della direttiva DL 9.5.
The S.CS MEGA curtainsider semi-trailer is setting the standard in bulk transport.


  • Chassis
  • Autotelaio

MODULOS - Chassis

Rolled MODULOS chassis has a repairfriendly design based on bolted, hot galvanised technology. It provides high value retention and low total cost of ownership as well as options to easily modify the modular system at any stage. 
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Sattelcurtainsider S.CS für 6x2 Zugmaschienen

Optimum offset for 6x2 tractor units

The chassis of the S.CS MEGA with DB equipment has been optimised for high-volume transport and can be used flexibly for all tractor units. The low chassis neck in combination with low-profile tyres makes optimum use of the legally permissible overall height.
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Ramp package Rear

Ramp package Rear package protects rear portal and head frame from damage during loading. It consists of reinforcement of the head frame in the chassis as well as delta steel ramp bars and compressible roller ramp buffers. The compressible roller ramp buffers compensate for vertical movements under load and absorb impact shocks. The trailer body is protected and the impact force is directed into the chassis.

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The rubber bumpers protect the semi-trailer body when approaching the ramp

Respingente in gomma standard

Durante la salita sulla rampa, i respingenti in gomma proteggono la struttura del veicolo da danni causati da urti e urti alla partenza. I respingenti impediscono riparazioni costose e dispendiose in termini di tempo.
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The rubber bumpers prevent damage to the rear portal of the curtainsider semi-trailer

Respingente angolare a rulli

I movimenti verso l'alto e verso il basso durante le operazioni di carico e scarico sulla rampa vengono bilanciate da respingenti angolari a rulli. I respingenti in gomma impediscono danni al portellone posteriore, proteggendo il rimorchio.
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The continuous combination of bumper and steel bumper strip protect the semi-trailer in the event of impact shocks.

Delta respingenti in acciaio

I respingenti angolari in acciaio con barra respingente in acciaio Delta continua proteggono il veicolo in caso di urti alla partenza. La combinazione continua di respingente e barra respingente in acciaio trasmette le forze in modo uniforme.
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Running gear
Axle lift for better traction

Lifting axle

The axles of ROTOS® running gear can optionally be equipped with a lifting function. The axle lift and starting aid increase efficiency, driving safety and traction, reducing tyre wear.

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  • Pagina
  • Interior
  • Parte posteriore
  • Pianale
  • Tetto
  • Regolazione in altezza
High loading volume with the double-decker system for the S.CS curtainsider semi-trailer

Doppio piano

Sfruttate il volume di carico per merci non impilabili con l'ottimale sistema a doppio piano. A distanze di 50 mm, il sistema può essere adattato al carico singolarmente per generare un secondo piano di carico flessibile.
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LED interior lighting

With new LED light strips in our curtainsider semi-trailers, the interior is now even better illuminated and ensures improved safety when loading and unloading at any time of day.
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Ferry underride guard with rollers from Schmitz Cargobull
Discover the innovative Ferry underride guard with rollers from Schmitz Cargobull. This flexible underride guard dynamically adapts to the ramp angle and prevents damage when touching down. Thanks to its effective shock absorption, it ensures maximum safety and durability for your vehicles.
Regolazione in altezza
  • Sistemi della pressione degli pneumatici
  • Indicatore di usura pastiglie dei freni
  • Luci di identificazione laterali lampeggianti
  • Dispositivo ausiliario elettronico di avviamento rampa
Pressure monitoring system
Brake pad wear indicator
Brake pads always in sight

Brake pad wear indicator

The wear display signals at an early stage when a brake pad needs replacement, ensuring greater safety in road traffic and avoiding downtime and high consequential costs.
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Flashing side marking lights
Side marking lights for enhanced road safety

Luci d'ingombro laterale

Le luci di ingombro laterali lampeggianti consentono di evitare incidenti in caso di svolta. Il conducente aziona il lampeggiante, le luci di ingombro laterali sul semirimorchio lampeggiano e segnalano la svolta agli utenti della strada.
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Electronic ramp approach aid
Information on resetting with the electronic ramp approach aid

Electronic ramp approach aid

The electronic ramp approach aid assists drivers when approaching loading ramps. Once reverse gear has been engaged, the system uses visual and audible signals to inform the driver of the distance remaining behind the vehicle. When the semi-trailer is nearing the ramp, the trailer brakes independently.
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  • Accoppiamento di forma
  • Punti di ancoraggio e centro
  • Pianale antiscivolo
Accoppiamento di forma
Lashing points and aids
Pianale antiscivolo
Non-slip floor increases the safety of goods and prevents slipping

Pianale antiscivolo

Il pianale antiscivolo certificato, dotato di rivestimento in plastica nero, semplifica il fissaggio del carico. Il carico rimane più fisso e non vi è la necessità di utilizzare tappeti antiscivolo sfusi.
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Comprehensive certifications for your safety in day-to-day transportation work

  • Internal body length13.62 / 15.00 / 16.37m
  • Intenal body width2,480mm
  • Internal body height*up to 3,200mm
  • Pallet spaces34 / 37 / 40Europallett
  • Brunotir
  • Duvenbeck
  • J.S. Logistics

Brunotir Transportes

The Portuguese company Brunotir Transportes is convinced of the S.CS MEGA VARIOS curtainsider for volume transports and has ordered another 17 new vehicles.
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The logistics company, Duvenbeck, and Schmitz Cargobull have been working together for more than 15 years. They have jointly developed the S.CS MEGA curtainsider semi-trailer, and Duvenbeck is so impressed with the TrailerConnect® telematics system CTU that it is now equipping its entire trailer fleet with it.
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Partnership between J.S. Logistics and Schmitz Cargobull

J.S. Logistics

Tutto da un'unica fonte - questo potrebbe benissimo essere il motto della partnership tra J.S. Logistics (Kirkel, nella Saarland) e Schmitz Cargobull.
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* indipendentemente dall'altezza di ralla e dalle condizioni legali generali.

Contratti di assistenza

Grazie al contratto Service riceverete il pieno controllo dei costi e ci assicureremo che possiate rimanere mobili.
Ulteriori informazioni su:Contratti di assistenza
Service Partners keep you mobile and minimise your downtimes.


Con la telematica TrailerConnect® riceverete tutte le informazioni necessarie sui vostri veicoli.
Ulteriori informazioni su:Telematica:
TrailerConnect? telematics provides you with all the information you need on your trailers.


Creiamo per voi un'offerta di finanziamento personalizzata con condizioni interessati per l'intero ciclo di vita dell'investimento.
Ulteriori informazioni su:Finanziamento
Individual quote with attractive terms and conditions for the entire lifecycle of your investment.

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