The trailer's contribution to sustainable road freight transport

The trailer's contribution to sustainable road freight transport

Sustainable road freight transport and efficiency can harmonise perfectly. These solutions help to reduce CO2 emissions and at the same time increase the cost-effectiveness of the vehicle fleet. And they are also immediately available.

A solution for almost every transport task

Thanks to its broadly based product and service portfolio, Schmitz Cargobull can offer transport solutions in the 12 to 44 tonne weight classes for over 80 percent of all applications in local and long-distance transport: whether it is the transport logistics of pharmaceutical products and foods, which are carried out in accordance with strict regulations, or the special features of transporting bulk goods. For volume transport, vehicles with high loading capacity - for example with a large interior height - are produced that combine high economic efficiency with exemplary reliability. After the Cool Freight and General Cargo product lines, Aftersales and Services is the third strongest product line of Schmitz Cargobull in terms of sales and is a strategic business area. The services include the utilisation phase of a trailer from financing to operation to resale.


The S.CS EcoGeneration curtainsiders impress with improved aerodynamics and fuel economy.


Duurzaamheid opnieuw definiëren - aerodynamisch ontwerp voor brandstofbesparingen tot 5% en verlaging van de CO2-uitstoot.
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Fully electric S.KOe semi-trailer

Electric has the right of way: from 2025, some cities in Europe will set up Zero Emission Zones in which conventional combustion engines are not permitted. The S.KOe semitrailer is fully electric and therefore has free access.

EcoDuo long truck concept

Schmitz Cargobull EcoDuo with vehicles in standard lengths, suitable for combined transport. European solution approach for less CO2 emissions in freight transport.

The EcoDuo long-distance concept

Efficiënt EcoDuo transportconcept

Een efficiënt en toekomstgericht langeafstandsconcept voor de transportbranche. Met EcoDuo zet Schmitz Cargobull zich in voor de invoering in heel Europa van een vervoersconcept dat de CO2-uitstoot zal verminderen ondanks... ondanks de toenemende transportvolumes. De bestaande infrastructuur wordt niet verder belast en tegelijkertijd worden de voertuig- en logistieke normen gehandhaafd.
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Motor vehicle bodies

Our bodies are also suitable for alternative propulsion, e.g. hydrogen.

Sustainable transport solution takes off

18.11.2022 - First hydrogen-powered motor vehicle chassis from Hyundai with Schmitz Cargobull body approved for road transport in Germany
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Optimise transport and logistics processes with telematics data and thereby reduce CO2 emissions.

Telematics data service

With TrailerConnect® telematics, you receive all the information you need about your vehicles - on the telematics portal or on the beUpToDate app.
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Corporate Responsability

The success of Schmitz Cargobull will continue to depend to a large extent on qualified and motivated employees. An important milestone on the way to expanding our market and technology leadership is the development of new markets and business areas. To do this, we need highly qualified and committed specialists and managers.
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Curtainsider S.CS X-LIGHT Chassis

Environmental effects in view

Environmental management plays a central role for us - also because many resource aspects are closely linked to our business activities. Our sustainability strategy focuses on climate protection, energy and materials.
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Sustainability Report

As a reliable and innovative company, we have closely linked sustainability to our products and processes. In this way, we are making our contribution to the great challenge facing our industry of reconciling increasing transport volumes with climate protection.
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+32 9 377 51 88

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