Schmitz Cargobull successfully extends GDP certificate for reliable pharmaceutical transportation
Following an extensive audit, TÜV Süd continues to confirm certification of the TrailerConnect® trailer telematics system in accordance with Good Distribution Practice (GDP)

August 2023 - Schmitz Cargobull has successfully extended the GDP certificate for its TrailerConnect® trailer telematics system, ensuring it continues to provide its pharmaceutical customers with factory-certified vehicles.
Successful extension of the GDP certificate
"Through the certification of TrailerConnect®, our customers can present an important certificate for their GDP audits, which attests to the high quality and safety of our products," reports Boris Billich, Sales Director at Schmitz Cargobull AG. "With our GDP certificate, we can guarantee and document full process safety for customers throughout the entire process chain. From the recording of data in the trailer, to data storage, to display in the portal or forwarding in the API (interface for data forwarding to third-party systems)."
Back in 2013, the European Commission introduced the Good Distribution Practice (GDP) of medicinal products for human use for quality assurance and protection against counterfeit medicines. Manufacturers, pharmaceutical wholesalers and pharmacists must subject their processes to annual GDP audits. The requirements for certification are reassessed every two years.
In an extensive audit by TÜV Süd, the Schmitz Cargobull trailer telematics system TrailerConnect® was again certified for a further two years. The audit includes a thorough examination of interface description, data storage, data backup, risk analysis for software development / software update / data backup, organisational processes and structures in the company, software manual, specification of sensor technology, company description, the quality management manual and ISO 9001.
Schmitz Cargobull successfully passed and receives an official certificate with a test and accreditation number from TÜV Süd. The certificate for the GDP audit can be requested from Schmitz Cargobull at any time.
Back in 2013, the European Commission introduced the Good Distribution Practice (GDP) of medicinal products for human use for quality assurance and protection against counterfeit medicines. Manufacturers, pharmaceutical wholesalers and pharmacists must subject their processes to annual GDP audits. The requirements for certification are reassessed every two years.
In an extensive audit by TÜV Süd, the Schmitz Cargobull trailer telematics system TrailerConnect® was again certified for a further two years. The audit includes a thorough examination of interface description, data storage, data backup, risk analysis for software development / software update / data backup, organisational processes and structures in the company, software manual, specification of sensor technology, company description, the quality management manual and ISO 9001.
Schmitz Cargobull successfully passed and receives an official certificate with a test and accreditation number from TÜV Süd. The certificate for the GDP audit can be requested from Schmitz Cargobull at any time.
Schmitz Cargobull hakkında:
Yılda yaklaşık 63.500 treyler üretimiyle ve yaklaşık 6.500 çalışanıyla Schmitz Cargobull AG, iklimlendirilmiş yük, genel kargo yanı sıra dökme mallar için Avrupa'nın lider yarı römork, treyler ve kamyon üst yapı üreticisidir. 2018/2019 ticari yılında yakl. 2,29 milyar Euro ciro elde etmiştir. Münsterland kökenli şirket, sektörün öncüsü olarak kapsamlı bir marka stratejisini zamanında hayata geçirmiştir ve tüm düzeylerde tutarlı bir kalite standardı yerleştirmiştir: araştırmadan geliştirmeye, üretimden servis sözleşmelerine ve treyler Telematik, finansman, yedek para tedariki ve kullanılmış araç ticaretine kadar.
Schmitz Cargobull basın ekibi:
Anna Stuhlmeier: | +49 2558 81-1340 I |
Andrea Beckonert: | +49 2558 81-1321 I |
Silke Hesener: | +49 2558 81-1501 I |
Image 1: GDP certificate
Image 2: Pharma-Trailer
Image 3: Pharma-Trailer_Detail
Press release: Schmitz Cargobull successfully extends GDP certificate for reliable pharmaceutical transportation