Schmitz Cargobull publishes second sustainability report in accordance with GRI standard

• Sustainability management systematically integrated throughout the organisation
• Sustainability Strategy 2030 includes ambitious goals in eight areas of action along the three pillars: Products & Services, Environment and People
• Responsibility for sustainability anchored at board level in the operations department
October 2023 - Schmitz Cargobull AG, a global family business and Europe's leading manufacturer of semi-trailers, has firmly anchored the issue of sustainability in its corporate strategy. The company assumes ecological and social responsibility along the entire value chain, pursuing the ambitious goal of making both the production processes throughout the network and the product portfolio sustainable.
The sustainability strategy drawn up in 2022 is consistently geared towards the three fields of action of products & services, environment and people and includes all Schmitz Cargobull locations. This orientation is based on eight areas of action, through which the Schmitz Cargobull Group both defines substantive priorities and addresses the requirements of external stakeholders.
Comprehensive sustainability strategy developed
"I am proud of the team and the fact that we have developed a comprehensive sustainability strategy within a good twelve months. We have set ourselves ambitious targets, such as reducing emissions across the entire production network by 90 per cent (Scopes 1 and 2) by 2030 compared to the 2021/22 financial year. In the 2022/23 financial year, we were able to - adjusted for special effects such as the milder winter - we were already able to save 19.4 per cent energy. In addition, since 2023, 100 per cent certified green electricity has been used at all German production sites and CO2e emissions have been reduced by 29 per cent overall and 24.5 per cent per trailer."
With its sustainability strategy, Schmitz Cargobull is pursuing concrete goals in eight areas of action along the three pillars: products & services, environment and people.
The key topics are: sustainable transport solutions that are economical for customers, circular economy & recycling, energy, climate protection, materials, health & safety, supply chain responsibility and sustainability awareness.
The second sustainability report in accordance with the GRI reporting standard provides information on where the company has focused its content and how the international Schmitz Cargobull Group has developed with regard to important key figures and objectives in the area of sustainability. The report is now available in digital form and can be downloaded from the company's website: Download Sustainability Report 2022/23
Schmitz Cargobull hakkında:
Yılda yaklaşık 63.500 treyler üretimiyle ve yaklaşık 6.500 çalışanıyla Schmitz Cargobull AG, iklimlendirilmiş yük, genel kargo yanı sıra dökme mallar için Avrupa'nın lider yarı römork, treyler ve kamyon üst yapı üreticisidir. 2018/2019 ticari yılında yakl. 2,29 milyar Euro ciro elde etmiştir. Münsterland kökenli şirket, sektörün öncüsü olarak kapsamlı bir marka stratejisini zamanında hayata geçirmiştir ve tüm düzeylerde tutarlı bir kalite standardı yerleştirmiştir: araştırmadan geliştirmeye, üretimden servis sözleşmelerine ve treyler Telematik, finansman, yedek para tedariki ve kullanılmış araç ticaretine kadar.
Schmitz Cargobull basın ekibi:
Anna Stuhlmeier: | +49 2558 81-1340 I |
Andrea Beckonert: | +49 2558 81-1321 I |
Silke Hesener: | +49 2558 81-1501 I |
Image 1: S.CS EcoFLEX - aerodynamic curtainsider
Image 2: Dr Günter Schweitzer - COO Schmitz Cargobull
Image 3: Group image of the Board of Schmitz Cargobull
Press Release: Schmitz Cargobull publishes second sustainability report in accordance with GRI standard