Schmitz Cargobull and Berger Fahrzeugtechnik GmbH join forces

January 2024 – Since the beginning of 2024, BERGERecotrail trailers have been available to purchase via the Schmitz Cargobull sales network. The relevant authorities have approved Schmitz Cargobull AG’s 49-percent investment in Berger Fahrzeugtechnik GmbH as agreed between the companies in September 2023. With immediate effect, the two firms will consolidate their strengths and launch their relationship with the marketing of the lightweight BERGERecotrail trailer across Schmitz Cargobull’s Europe-wide sales network.
Discussing the next steps, Schmitz Cargobull AG’s Chief Sales Officer Boris Billich says: “We are delighted that we will now be able to offer our customers an even more extensive product portfolio as a result of our collaboration with Berger. Customers can now purchase the specialist lightweight BERGERecotrail vehicles through their Schmitz Cargobull contact partners. Transport firms will benefit from a greater range of vehicles and an extensive package of services for both product lines. This is hugely advantageous for our customers.”
Huge added value for our customers
Roland Schneider, Managing Director Sales at Berger Fahrzeugtechnik GmbH, based in Tyrol, Austria, adds: “Our lightweight BERGERecotrail semi-trailers are in particularly high demand among customers looking for high payloads. However, two of the main reasons why lightweight trailers are becoming increasingly relevant for transport firms is their ability to optimise payload and increase sustainability. Customers can now use Schmitz Cargobull’s Europe-wide sales and service network, which offers huge added value.”
With its BERGERecotrail vehicles, Berger Fahrzeugtechnik is a renowned specialist in premium lightweight vehicles with extensive expertise in lightweight construction. Now that the two companies have consolidated their strengths, BERGERecotrail lightweight trailers from the Radfeld factory in Tyrol are now also available through Schmitz Cargobull’s sales channels.
Customers will also be able to access comprehensive European spare parts supply through the Schmitz Cargobull Service Partner network. The next step will see Schmitz Cargobull’s entire service portfolio being extended to cover Berger lightweight vehicles.
Schmitz Cargobull hakkında:
Yılda yaklaşık 63.500 treyler üretimiyle ve yaklaşık 6.500 çalışanıyla Schmitz Cargobull AG, iklimlendirilmiş yük, genel kargo yanı sıra dökme mallar için Avrupa'nın lider yarı römork, treyler ve kamyon üst yapı üreticisidir. 2018/2019 ticari yılında yakl. 2,29 milyar Euro ciro elde etmiştir. Münsterland kökenli şirket, sektörün öncüsü olarak kapsamlı bir marka stratejisini zamanında hayata geçirmiştir ve tüm düzeylerde tutarlı bir kalite standardı yerleştirmiştir: araştırmadan geliştirmeye, üretimden servis sözleşmelerine ve treyler Telematik, finansman, yedek para tedariki ve kullanılmış araç ticaretine kadar.
Schmitz Cargobull basın ekibi:
Anna Stuhlmeier: | +49 2558 81-1340 I |
Andrea Beckonert: | +49 2558 81-1321 I |
Silke Hesener: | +49 2558 81-1501 I |
Image 1: BERGERecotrail
Image 2: Boris Billich, Chief Sales Officer Schmitz Cargobull AG
Image 3: Roland Schneider, Managing Director Sales at Berger Fahrzeugtechnik GmbH
Press Release: Schmitz Cargobull and Berger Fahrzeugtechnik GmbH join forces