EcoDuo transport concept

EcoDuo transport concept

June 2024 – With the EcoDuo, Schmitz Cargobull is advocating the Europe-wide introduction of a transport concept that optimally utilises the existing infrastructure, reduces CO2 emissions, takes into account current transport industry standards – in particular multi-modal transport – and represents an ideal solution for extra-urban transport.

The EcoDuo combination consists of two standard curtainsider semi-trailers connected via a dolly trailer and pulled by a tractor unit. The total articulated vehicle weight is up to 76 tonnes, in combination with a three-axle tractor unit as used in Scandinavia, or up to 70 tonnes with a two-axle tractor unit as used in Spain.

This flexible concept – based primarily on standard trailers – has a number of plus points. In conventional long truck concepts, the length of the load carriers used can differ, meaning they cannot be combined for flexible use, requiring fleets to invest additional money. This makes continuous, cross-border transport more difficult as these combinations are not permitted in every country because of differing national laws. As a result, they can only be used to a limited extent for combined transport. In contrast, the EcoDuo trailer combination can easily be split between two tractor units at border points, distribution centres or in specific regions.

Efficient and sustainable transport concept

When compared to conventional tractor units and one trailer with a 40 tonnes total articulated vehicle weight, the EcoDuo concept offers the following advantages:

  • Reduced fuel consumption resulting in lower CO2 emissions per transported tonne
  • Lower single axle loads
  • Increases road capacity or reduces traffic through the use of fewer vehicles with more capacity
  • Less strain on roads and bridges due to lower axle loads and fewer articulated vehicles
  • Solution to the driver shortages
  • One driver, two semi-trailers for long-haul journeys.

Unlike previous long truck concepts, the existing semi-trailer fleets can still be used. Using two standard trailers, the existing dimensions in the transport industry remain unchanged. There is no need for additional investments in trailers beyond the existing standard trailers and the concept is truly modular. All current infrastructure can still be used without any expensive investments. The trailers remain capable of rail loading, promoting multi-modal transport, and the loading and unloading processes also remain unchanged. When modern trailers equipped with the latest axle and brake technology are used, the EcoDuo complies with all safety standards. With the EcoDuo concept, Schmitz Cargobull offers a unified European solution to the previous national long truck approaches. Harmonising the rules governing the lengths and weights of heavy trucks in cross-border traffic also helps to reduce emissions.

More about the EcoDuo:

Acerca de Schmitz Cargobull 

Schmitz Cargobull es el fabricante líder de semirremolques para carga con temperatura controlada, carga general y mercancías a granel en Europa y pionero en soluciones digitales para servicios del remolque y conectividad. La compañía también fabrica equipos de frío para semirremolques frigoríficos. Con una amplia gama de servicios que van desde financiación, suministro de repuestos, contratos de servicio y soluciones telemáticas hasta el comercio de vehículos usados, Schmitz Cargobull ayuda a sus clientes a optimizar su coste total de propiedad (TCO) y su transformación digital.
Schmitz Cargobull se fundó en 1892 en Münsterland, Alemania. La empresa familiar produce alrededor de 60.000 vehículos al año con más de 6.000 empleados y generó una facturación de alrededor de 2.600 millones de euros en el ejercicio 2022/23. La red de producción internacional se compone actualmente de diez plantas en Alemania, Lituania, España, Inglaterra, Turquía, Eslovaquia y Australia.

El equipo de prensa de Schmitz Cargobull:

Raquel Villarroya:  +34 976 613 200-5229 I 
Luis Bonasa:  +34 976 613 200-5230 I
Anna Stuhlmeier:  +49 2558 81-1340          I