Load Carrier Tracking

Load Carrier Tracking

Monitor and track your load carriers in real time during transport - more transparency, less loss and theft in your day-to-day transport operations.

The load carrier tracking system consists of a Bluetooth receiver that is installed in the trailer. This receives the signals from the Bluetooth tags* that are attached to load carriers or loading aids.

The receiver makes it transparent which load carriers and loading equipment are on the trailer. The data is securely forwarded to the TrailerConnect® portal via the TrailerConnect® control unit.

In the TrailerConnect® portal, the recorded load carriers and loading equipment can be viewed, messages configured and, if required, the data forwarded to third parties via the TrailerConnect® Data Management Centre and TrailerConnect® TourTrack.

* Bluetooth tags tested and approved by Schmitz Cargobull for safety and system suitability.

Your vehicle selection

Load carrier tracking is available for the following vehicles:


Online dispatch, express courier services and the transport of high-quality electrical equipment are on the rise, and bring unique challenges. A range of different telematics functions assist the transport of safety-critical goods in the S.BO EXPRESS.
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Servicio de datos telemáticos

Con la telemática TrailerConnect® recibirás toda la información que necesitas sobre tus semirremolques. Acceso a través del portal telemático o de la aplicación beUpToDate.

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Centro de Gestión de Datos

Comparte los datos telemáticos de forma segura, respetando la normativa de protección de datos con la plataforma TrailerConnect®. Conexión sencilla a todas las plataformas habituales.
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+34 976 613 200

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