S velikom utovarnom zapremninom poluprikolica s ceradom S.CS MEGA postavlja standard u prijevozu velikih količina tereta. Prikolica je certificirana u skladu s DIN EN 12642 Code XL te dodatno udovoljava i specifikacijama Daimlerove smjernice 9.5.
The S.CS MEGA curtainsider semi-trailer is setting the standard in bulk transport.


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Comprehensive certifications for your safety in day-to-day transportation work

  • Internal body length13.62 / 15.00 / 16.37m
  • Intenal body width2,480mm
  • Internal body height*up to 3,200mm
  • Pallet spaces34 / 37 / 40Euro palete
  • Brunotir
  • Duvenbeck
  • J.S. Logistics

Brunotir Transportes

The Portuguese company Brunotir Transportes is convinced of the S.CS MEGA VARIOS curtainsider for volume transports and has ordered another 17 new vehicles.
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The logistics company, Duvenbeck, and Schmitz Cargobull have been working together for more than 15 years. They have jointly developed the S.CS MEGA curtainsider semi-trailer, and Duvenbeck is so impressed with the TrailerConnect® telematics system CTU that it is now equipping its entire trailer fleet with it.
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Partnership between J.S. Logistics and Schmitz Cargobull

J.S. Logistics

Sve na jednom mjestu - to bi mogao biti moto partnerstva tvrtke J.S. Logistics iz Kirkela u Saarskoj i tvrtke Schmitz Cargobull.
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* ovisno o visini sedla i zakonskim okvirnim uvjetima.

Ugovori o servisu

Uz odgovarajući ugovor o servisu zadržavate potpunu kontrolu nad troškovima, a mi brinemo o tome da ostanete mobilni!
Više o:Ugovori o servisu
Service Partners keep you mobile and minimise your downtimes.


Telematika TrailerConnect® daje vam sve potrebne informacije o vašim vozilima.
Više o:Telematika
TrailerConnect? telematics provides you with all the information you need on your trailers.


Izrađujemo za vas individualnu ponudu s atraktivnim uvjetima za cijeli životni vijek vaše investicije.
Više o:Financiranje
Individual quote with attractive terms and conditions for the entire lifecycle of your investment.

+385 1 2013 914

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