Webinar: Real-time value creation - but data-safe!

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Learn how the TrailerConnect® Data Management Center makes your logistics processes accessible to the individual players in the value chain at any time in a secure and controlled manner in real time.

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Learn how the TrailerConnect® Data Management Center makes your logistics processes accessible to the individual players in the value chain at any time in a secure and controlled manner in real time.

Duomenų valdymo centras

Dalinkitės telemetrijos duomenimis saugiai ir laikydamiesi duomenų apsaugos taisyklių, naudodami „TrailerConnect®“ platformą. Paprastas prijungimas prie visų bendrų sąsajų.
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Telemetrijos duomenys

Naudodamiesi „TrailerConnect®“ telemetrijos sistema apie savo transporto priemones gausite visą reikiamą informaciją - telemetrijos portale arba programėlėje „beUpToDate“.
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Webinar: Real-time value creation - but data-safe!

Real Time Visibiltity platforms enable all parties involved to plan resources in advance and accelerate the value creation process in logistics. 

Watch the recording now:

Learn how the TrailerConnect® Data Management Center makes your logistics processes accessible to the individual players in the value chain at any time in a secure and controlled manner in real time.

Watch the recording now:

Learn how the TrailerConnect® Data Management Center makes your logistics processes accessible to the individual players in the value chain at any time in a secure and controlled manner in real time.