Robust, fleksibel og universelt anvendelig: Gardintraileren S.CS UNIVERSAL fra Schmitz Cargobull har høyere nyttelast, kortere lastetid og enklere lastesikring.
S.CS Universal curtainsider semi-trailer - robust, flexible with universal uses
  • Chassis
  • Understell
The MODULOS chassis offers greater reserves of power


MODULOS-chassiset gir større strømreserver på grunn av høyere linjelastning og optimalisert vekt. En robust trailerramme med rulleprofilerte lange elementer laget i ett stykke sikrer høy stabilitet uten termisk forvrengning.
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Running gear
  • Side
  • Dobbeltdekk
  • Bak
  • Gulv
  • Tak
  • $name
  • Høydejustering
High loading volume with the double-decker system for the S.CS curtainsider semi-trailer


Bruk hele lastevolumet under transport av gods som ikke kan stables med dobbeltdekkersystemet. Systemet kan tilpasses individuelt til godset med intervaller på 50 mm, og skaper et fleksibelt andre lastnivå.
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Bulkhead with lashing eyes on the inside of the corner profiles for simplified load securing.
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  • Dekktrykksystem
  • Slitasjevarsel av bremsebelegg
  • Blinkende sidemarkeringslys
  • Elektrisk rampehevehjelp
Pressure monitoring system
Control and timely information on tyre pressure with the tyre pressure system


Dekktrykkpåfyllingssystemet styrer dekktrykket og fyller autonomt om nødvendig. Resultatet er mindre dekkslitasje og bedre kjøreoppførsel.
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The Schmitz Cargobull tyre pressure control system.

TPMS with autolocation

The tire pressure monitoring system indicates when you need to top up the air in a tire. With autolocation the sensor is assigned to the correct tyre position. The Schmitz Cargobull sensor learns independently and records the tyre pressure and tyre temperature data. With the correct tire pressure, the tires wear less and you save fuel due to the improved rolling resistance.     
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Brake pad wear indicator
Brake pads always in sight

Brake pad wear indicator

The wear display signals at an early stage when a brake pad needs replacement, ensuring greater safety in road traffic and avoiding downtime and high consequential costs.
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Flashing side marking lights
Side marking lights for enhanced road safety


De blinkende sidemarkeringslysene (SML) hjelper til med å forhindre ulykker under svinging. Hvis sjåføren aktiverer blinklysene, blinker også sidemarkeringslysene på semi-traileren og signaliserer til trafikantene at svingeprosessen pågår.
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Information on resetting with the electronic ramp approach aid

Electronic ramp approach aid

The electronic ramp approach aid assists drivers when approaching loading ramps. Once reverse gear has been engaged, the system uses visual and audible signals to inform the driver of the distance remaining behind the vehicle. When the semi-trailer is nearing the ramp, the trailer brakes independently.
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  • Formlås
  • Festepunkt og midten
  • sklisikre gulv
Lashing points and aids
sklisikre gulv
Non-slip floor increases the safety of goods and prevents slipping

sklisikre gulv

Det sertifiserte sklisikre gulvet med sort plastbelegg gjør det lettere å sikre lasten. Lasten er mer stabil og ingen løse anti-skli-matter er nødvendig.
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Omfattende sertifisering for sikkerheten din i transporthverdagen.

  • Konstruksjonslengde innvendig13,62 / 15m
  • Konstruksjonsbredde innvendig2 480mm
  • Konstruksjonshøyde innvendig*opp til 3 050mm
  • Pallplasser34 / 37 / 40Euro-paller
* avhengig av tilkoplingshøyder og juridiske rammer.

Service Contracts

With the right service contract, you retain full control over the costs and we make sure that you stay mobile!
Mer om:Service Contracts
Service Partners keep you mobile and minimise your downtimes.


TrailerConnect® telematics provides you with all the information you need about your vehicles.
Mer om:Telematic
TrailerConnect? telematics provides you with all the information you need on your trailers.


We will provide you with a customized offer with attractive conditions for the entire life cycle of your investment.
Mer om:Financing
Individual quote with attractive terms and conditions for the entire lifecycle of your investment.

+47 23 96 14 00

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