Emission-free and quiet is the fully electric semi-trailer box S.KOe COOL with the S.CU ep85 transport refrigeration unit for sustainable transport. The perfectly matched components ensure optimum cooling competence.

Sustainable. Silent. Cost-efficient.

A company transports frozen pizza from Rotterdam to Amsterdam with the fully electric S.KOe COOL semitrailer with S.CU ep85 cooling unit.

  • Chassis
  • Understell

MODULOS - Chassis

Rolled MODULOS chassis has a repairfriendly design based on bolted, hot galvanised technology. It provides high value retention and low total cost of ownership as well as options to easily modify the modular system at any stage. 
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Battery Power Pack

Battery Power Pack with a capacity of 32kW/h. The lithium iron phosphate battery transformer has a self-sufficient running time of approx. 5-18h and requires approx. 2h for a full charge.
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Running gear


E-axle recharges the battery generatively and recuperatively while driving and thus prevents downtimes during operation.
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  • Side
  • Dobbeltdekk
  • Spesiallutstyr
  • Bak
  • Gulv
  • Tak
  • Belysning
Fast loading and unloading through the side door in the S.KO box body semi-trailer


Et godt alternativ til delvis lossing for multi-temperatur-transport med en skillevegg. Sidedøren muliggjør delvis lossing og tilgang til individuelle MultiTemp-kjølesoner.
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Loading volume with the double-decker system for the S.KO box body semi-trailer


Fleksibel og høyere utnyttelse av traileren takket være dobbeltdekksystemet. Ideelt for gods som ikke kan stables. Systemet muliggjør sømløs lasting via to kontinuerlig høydejusterbare og delbare nivåer.
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Optimised loading volume for flower transport with the S.KO box body semi-trailer

Optimalisert lastevolum

Høyere lastevolum for større fleksibilitet ved transport av varer takket være den tilpassede sideveggtykkelsen. Ideell lastebredde og optimalisert indre bredde på 2 490 mm, spesielt for transport av blomster.
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S.KO box body semi-trailer Ferroplast roof


Standardtaket laget av FERROPLAST® isolasjon er tilgjengelig i forskjellige utførelser og sikrer spesielt høy energieffektivitet og utmerket isolasjon.
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Side wall
  • Luftfordeling
  • Kjølemaskin
  • MultiTemp-utstyr
  • Lamellgardiner
  • Temperaturdrucker

Electric cooling - S.CUe

The S.CUe is the electric cooling unit for the S.KOe COOL and S.KOe CITY. 100% output with zero emissions, specially developed for inner-city distribution transport.
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Strip curtains at the rear prevent the loss of cold air


De variable og langsgående skyvebare forhengene sikrer større trygghet for varer og sparer samtidig energi, ettersom kuldetapet når dørene åpnes reduseres i tilfelle delvis lossing.
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Med beSmart-appen eller direkte på kjøleskapsdisplayet til Schmitz Cargobull S.CU kjølemaskin, kan temperaturskriveren konfigureres og papirutskriften startes. Nye funksjoner og oppdateringer kan importeres raskt og enkelt trådløst.

Høydepunkter: Historiske temperaturdata over maks. 7 dager kan skrives ut retrospektivt i en periode på opptil 12 måneder.

Lær mer
  • Dørlås-system og dørkontaktsensor
  • Dekktrykksystem
  • Slitasjevarsel av bremsebelegg
  • Blinkende sidemarkeringslys
  • Elektrisk rampehevehjelp
Dørlås-system og dørkontaktsensor
Protection from unauthorised access with control via the TrailerConnect® portal

Dørlås-system og dørkontaktsensor

Dørsensoren oppdager om bakdørene er åpne eller lukkede. Ved hjelp av dørlåsesystemet kan bakdørene låses eller låses opp eksternt via TrailerConnect®-portalen eller beSmart-appen.
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Pressure monitoring system
Brake pad wear indicator
Brake pads always in sight

Brake pad wear indicator

The wear display signals at an early stage when a brake pad needs replacement, ensuring greater safety in road traffic and avoiding downtime and high consequential costs.
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Flashing side marking lights
Side marking lights for enhanced road safety

Flashing side marking lights

The flashing side marking lights (SML) help to avoid accidents when turning. When the driver indicates, the side marking lights on the semi-trailer also flash and signal to other road users that the vehicle is about to turn.
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Electronic ramp approach aid
Information on resetting with the electronic ramp approach aid

Electronic ramp approach aid

The electronic ramp approach aid assists drivers when approaching loading ramps. Once reverse gear has been engaged, the system uses visual and audible signals to inform the driver of the distance remaining behind the vehicle. When the semi-trailer is nearing the ramp, the trailer brakes independently.
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  • Formlås
  • Festepunkt og midten
Lashing points and aids

S.KOe COOL with e-axle secures type approval

04.07.2023 - Schmitz Cargobull is the first OEM with type approval for the fully-electric reefer semi-trailer S.KOe COOL with generator axle
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First S.KOe COOL in Romania

17.05.2023 - Schmitz Cargobull hands over the first all-electric S.KOe COOL semitrailer in Romania to Blue River
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Omfattende sertifisering for sikkerheten din i transporthverdagen.


Omfattende sertifisering for sikkerheten din i transporthverdagen.

  • Konstruksjonslengde innvendig13.4 / 14.7 / 16.8m
  • Konstruksjonsbredde innvendig*2 460 eller 2 490mm
  • Konstruksjonshøyde innvendig*2 350 - 3 050mm
  • Pallplasser33 / 36 / 41Euro-paller
* avhengig av lovkrav og individuelle trailerspesifikasjoner.

Service Contracts

With the right service contract, you retain full control over the costs and we make sure that you stay mobile!
Mer om:Service Contracts
Service Partners keep you mobile and minimise your downtimes.


TrailerConnect® telematics provides you with all the information you need about your vehicles.
Mer om:Telematic
TrailerConnect? telematics provides you with all the information you need on your trailers.


We will provide you with a customized offer with attractive conditions for the entire life cycle of your investment.
Mer om:Financing
Individual quote with attractive terms and conditions for the entire lifecycle of your investment.

+47 23 96 14 00

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