Zahvaljujući modularnom sistemu, naše poluprikolice koferi S.KO mogu se individualno konfigurisati za najrazličitije oblasti primene.
Niski ukupni troškovi rada čine sandučastu poluprikolicu S.KO COOL SMART dugoročno ekonomičnom. Serijski raspoloživ sistem telematike TrailerConnect® pruža transparentnost i neprekidno dokumentovanje rashladnog lanca. Ona nudi maksimalnu bezbednost za robu, osigurava bezbedno rukovanje temperiranom robom i kratko trajanje pretovara na rampama.
The S.KO CITY box body semi-trailer's steering axle provides the manoeuvrability needed when delivering to food retailers in urban environments. Its mechanical power steering ensures that it copes with narrow streets, access roads or loading yards without any loss of time. And our additional services allow you to see where your trailer is located at any time.
Online dispatch, express courier services and the transport of high-quality electrical equipment are on the rise, and bring unique challenges. A range of different telematics functions assist the transport of safety-critical goods in the S.BO EXPRESS.