Corporate responsibility

Corporate responsibility

Schmitz Cargobull’s success is built on our qualified and committed employees. One of our most important responsibilities is to help train these staff, integrate them into our company and retain them as long-term employees at Schmitz Cargobull. That is why employee development is a central aspect of our corporate strategy.

Qualified and motivated employees

Qualified and motivated employees are a key element for the long-term success of Schmitz Cargobull. We have currently launched two new initiatives for the further development of our employees.

Investing in a new world of work

We are specifically setting the tone for the new working world with the Smart Work initiative. Schmitz Cargobull has invested in equipment for its employees, and mobile working has become an integral part of their working lives. New room concepts are also being developed at various locations to take more account of communication, coworking and work-life balance.
To sustainability report
In a current digital factory planning project, we are developing the workplace of the future with the help of digital tools. The project accompanies the construction of a new assembly line at the Vreden production site, which is scheduled to enter into operation at the beginning of 2025. The project investigates means of minimising physical stress and preventing occupational safety risks as early as the workplace design stage, while taking into consideration the employees’ differing ergonomic requirements.
The immersive planning in virtual reality allows us to simulate workplaces during the early planning stages to derive the optimal workplace design. Assembly processes are analysed and deficits in critical areas are visualised. Employees can experience and actively contribute to the design of their future workplaces. The findings from this approach to site planning will be transferred to other sites.

Award for effective health management

For Schmitz Cargobull, occupational health and safety is an important part of the company's policy. The cornerstone for improving occupational safety and health protection is our "Vision Zero Accidents - Healthy Working" concept. With this concept, we want to create a culture of prevention in the company that ensures both safety and health as well as employee satisfaction.

Responsabilidad de la cadena de suministro

Nuestros proveedores son seleccionados en función de su calidad, competitividad y su importancia en términos de sostenibilidad, innovación y resiliencia.


Corporate Social Responsibility

We are constantly developing our processes and strategies in terms of social, ecological and economic sustainability. Here you will find all the due diligence requirements in Schmitz Cargobull's supply chains.
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Reliable transport solutions

Sustainable road freight transport and efficiency can harmonise perfectly. These solutions help to reduce CO2 emissions and at the same time increase the cost-effectiveness of the vehicle fleet. And they are also immediately available. 
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Sustainability Report

As a reliable and innovative company, we have closely linked sustainability to our products and processes. In this way, we are making our contribution to the great challenge facing our industry of reconciling increasing transport volumes with climate protection.
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Sustainability Targets

We have already set ourselves sustainability targets and anchored them in our strategy. With the Sustainability Report, we will advance our sustainability activities even more  transparently to the outside world in the future.

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