Sustainability Report

Sustainability Report

As a reliable and innovative company, we have closely linked sustainability with our products and processes. This is our contribution to the enormous challenge our industry faces in bringing increasing transport volumes in line with protecting the climate. In this report, we also make transparent how we deal with our supply chain and compliance issues, and how we manage environmental and energy management as well as occupational safety and the professional development of our employees.

Reliable transport solutions

Sustainable road freight transport and efficiency can harmonise perfectly. These solutions help to reduce CO2 emissions and at the same time increase the cost-effectiveness of the vehicle fleet. And they are also immediately available. 
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Corporate Responsability

The success of Schmitz Cargobull will continue to depend to a large extent on qualified and motivated employees. An important milestone on the way to expanding our market and technology leadership is the development of new markets and business areas. To do this, we need highly qualified and committed specialists and managers.
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Sustainability Targets

We have already set ourselves sustainability targets and anchored them in our strategy. With the Sustainability Report, we will advance our sustainability activities even more  transparently to the outside world in the future.

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