S.CF DOCK+ 20-40

S.CF DOCK+ 20-40

The S.CF DOCK+ 20-40 offers full flexibility for the transport of 20', 30' and 40' containers. It carries 20' containers centered and flush with the rear, 30' containers flush with the rear, as well as 2 x 20' containers and 40' tunnel containers. The pneumatic central tube rear extension is easy and time-saving to operate and does not need to be adjusted separately for 40' containers without tunnel.
  • Podvozje
  • Vozni mehanizem
  • Zaklepanja
Running gear

Pogodbe o servisiranju

S primerno pogodbo o storitvah obdržite popoln nadzor nad stroški, mi pa poskrbimo, da ostanete mobilni!
Več o:Pogodbe o servisiranju
Service Partners keep you mobile and minimise your downtimes.


S telematiko TrailerConnect® dobite vse potrebne informacije o vaših vozilih.
Več o:Telematika
TrailerConnect? telematics provides you with all the information you need on your trailers.


Izdelamo vam individualno ponudbo s privlačnimi pogoji za celoten življenjski cikel vaše investicije.
Več o:Financiranje
Individual quote with attractive terms and conditions for the entire lifecycle of your investment.

+386 2 8761 291

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