Safeguarding Our Future with Sustainability
As a reliable and innovative company, we have closely linked sustainability with our products and processes. We can only master the great challenge of our industry, which is to reconcile increasing transport volumes with climate protection, by working together.
Sustainability within our organisation
Schmitz Cargobull has systematically anchored sustainability management throughout the organisation. Our sustainability strategy until 2030 includes ambitious goals in eight areas of activity along three pillars. Since the publication of the Sustainability Report 2020 / 21, Schmitz Cargobull has systematically anchored sustainability management within the organisation. The Operations division on the Management Board is responsible with a sustainability manager as a staff unit. The sustainability manager coordinates the activities within the corporate group in consultation with the specialist departments. They advance the development of the data basis and processes, establish projects for new issues, share information with representatives from our sites worldwide and also prepare materials to enable the Board of Management and the Supervisory Board to make decisions. Furthermore, they also lead an interdisciplinary team responsible for developing and implementing the sustainability strategy.