Zbog niskih ukupnih operativnih troškova sandučasta poluprikolica S.KO COOL SMART ekonomski je isplativa. Ova poluprikolica omogućuje sigurnost tereta, sigurno baratanje temperiranom robom i kratka vremena pretovara na rampi. Standardno ugrađena telematika TrailerConnect® omogućuje transparentnost i dosljednu dokumentaciju rashladnog lanca.

Reliable. Safe. Smart.

A carrier delivers pharmaceutical products to the Netherlands and France with the S.KO COOL reefer with S.CU V2.0 cooling unit.

S.KO COOL SMART box body semi-trailer with integrated telematics system
  • šasija
  • vozno postolje
MODULOS short chassis for the S.KO box body semi-trailer


Sandučasta nadogradnja izrađena u termotehnologiji FERROPLAST® je samonosiva i otporna na uvijanje. Zahvaljujući vijčanim spojevima pojedinačne komponente okvira vozila MODULOS mogu se lako zamijeniti. Pojedinačni pocinčani dijelovi osiguravaju zaštitu od korozije.
Saznajte više
Running gear
  • Stranica
  • Dvije razine
  • Posebna oprema
  • Stražnja strana
  • dno
  • krov
  • Rasvjeta
Fast loading and unloading through the side door in the S.KO box body semi-trailer

Bočna vrata

Dobra alternativa za djelomične utovare kod prijevoza s više temperatura pomoću pregrade. Bočna vrata omogućuju djelomični istovar i pristup pojedinim MultiTemp rashladnim zonama.
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Loading volume with the double-decker system for the S.KO box body semi-trailer

Dvije razine

Fleksibilna i visoka iskoristivost vozila zahvaljujući sustavu katnog tovarenja. Idealno za teret koji se ne može slagati jedan na drugi. Sustav omogućuje utovar bez praznina na dvije djeljive razine s mogućnošću kontinuiranog podešavanja visine.
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Posebna oprema
Optimised loading volume for flower transport with the S.KO box body semi-trailer

Optimizirana utovarna zapremnina

Veća utovarna zapremnina za veću fleksibilnost pri prijevozu robe zahvaljujući prilagođenim debljinama bočnih stranica. Idealna utovarna širina i optimizirana unutarnja širina od 2490 mm osobito za prijevoz cvijeća.
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S.KO box body semi-trailer Ferroplast roof


Standardni krov izrađen od FERROPLAST® izolacije dostupan je u različitim izvedbama i osigurava posebno visoku energetsku učinkovitost i izvrsnu izolaciju.
Saznajte više
Side wall


The TrailerConnect® telematics system masters these challenges in the field of temperature-controlled transport:

Advantages for the dispatcher

  • All information at a glance
  • Efficient planning of routes
  • Remote access to refrigeration machine and trailer
  • Transparent processes and tour monitoring, also of subcontractors used
  • Fast reaction to events (e.g. correction of setpoints)
  • Reliable compliance with the cold chain and optimum processes
  • Transport data available at all times
  • Automatic recording of the route from the start

Advantages for the fleet manager

  • Fast and digital availability of documentation (e.g. temperature records)
  • Optimal selection of the right vehicle and equipment (certificates, documents, reports)
  • Central monitoring of transport orders in a clear manner on one platform
  • Fast communication in case of questions

Advantages for the driver

  • All information in one platform ensures efficient communication between driver and dispatcher
  • Better concentration on transport thanks to presettings on the refrigeration unit and the rear door
  • Timely warning of disruptions and impending breakdowns
  • Avoidance of breakdowns
  • Optimised route planning by determining the estimated time of arrival (ETA) and taking driving times into account

Made for your everyday life - TrailerConnect® Portal

In the TrailerConnect® Portal, your transport data is clearly displayed and you have all the important information at a glance. With just a few settings, you configure the required messages in the TrailerConnect® Portal and keep the sensitive temperature management under control even from your desk.
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  • So you have all tours and events at a glance
    - Clear presentation in the portal as a map (Google Maps), graphic or list
    - Current status of tour or fleet
    - Summary of histories
    - Individual setting of alarms and setpoints
  • This is what TrailerConnect® Data Management Center (DMC) and TrailerConnect® TourTrack provide:
    − Secure and controlled data exchange with customers and shippers
    − Integrated subcontractor network displayed anonymously
    − Individual configuration of each route with automated route start, current status messages and ETA determination
  • This gives you an overview of the running time of the cooling unit
    − Monitoring the level of the refrigeration machine in the portal with a tank sensor for diesel-powered refrigeration machines and a battery monitor for electric refrigeration machines
    − Alarm in time, before failure is imminent
  • In this way, the portal supports you in maintaining the cold chain
    − Two-way communication with the cooling unit
    − Current cooling unit status in real time - even when the trailer is uncoupled
    − Changing settings and setpoints on the cooling unit in the portal: e.g. switching on and off, predefined temperature sets and alarms
  • How to obtain legally compliant proof of compliance with the cold chain
    − Digital temperature recorder integrated in the telematics control unit CTU Pro
    − Creation of temperature reports (according to DIN 12863)
    − Transmission via digital temperature recorder or temperature printer on the vehicle (optional)
    − If required, portal access for clients to their data
  • This is how you protect the cargo from unauthorised access
    − Door locking system on the trailer PIN-secured
    − Central control of the door locking system in the portal
    − Access to freight only in defined zones with geofences
    − Alarm informs in case of unauthorised door opening
  • Raspodjela zraka
  • Rashladna jedinica
  • MultiTemp oprema
  • Trakaste zavese
  • Temperaturdrucker
Raspodjela zraka
Rashladna jedinica
MonoTemp and MultiTemp version of the S.CU transport cooling unit

Transportna rashladna jedinica S.CU

Transportna rashladna jedinica S.CU u MonoTemp i MultiTemp izvedbi omogućuje optimalnu ekonomičnost. Precizna kontrola temperature zahvaljujući osjetljivoj regulaciji, manjoj potrošnji goriva i dugim intervalima održavanja.
Saznajte više
MultiTemp oprema
Trakaste zavese
Strip curtains at the rear prevent the loss of cold air

Trakaste zavese

Varijabilne trakaste zavjese koje se mogu uzdužno pomicati osiguravaju veću sigurnost robe i istovremeno štede energiju jer se smanjuje gubitak hladnoće prilikom otvaranja vrata kod djelomičnih istovara.
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Pisač temperature


Temperature printer

With the Schmitz Cargobull temperature printer you can quickly and easily create a paper printout of the certified temperature values directly on the vehicle.
The printout can be configured using the free beSmart App. This is a simple and convenient way of setting and changing, for example, the printing period or the language of the printout.

The temperature printer is an optional feature of the Smart Trailer.

Saznajte više
  • Safety refrigerated case
  • Sustav zaključavanja vrata i kontaktni senzor vrata
  • Sustavi tlaka u gumama
  • $name
  • Indikator spremnika s LED displejom
  • Treptajuća bočna označna svjetla
  • elektronsko pomagalo za dolazak na rampu
Safety refrigerated case

Transport safety ex works

Theft of high-value cargo is on the rise. Robust box bodies alone are no longer sufficient for transporting expensive goods.

Schmitz Cargobull's smart security components meet the highest security standards of the Transported Asset
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Sustav zaključavanja vrata i kontaktni senzor vrata
Protection from unauthorised access with control via the TrailerConnect® portal

Sustav zaključavanja vrata i kontaktni senzor vrata

Senzor vrata prepoznaje jesu li stražnja vrata otvorena ili zatvorena. Sustav zaključavanja vrata omogućuje daljinsko zaključavanje ili otključavanje stražnjih vrata preko portala TrailerConnect® ili aplikacije beSmart.
Saznajte više
Pressure monitoring system
Brake pad wear indicator
Brake pads always in sight

Brake pad wear indicator

The wear display signals at an early stage when a brake pad needs replacement, ensuring greater safety in road traffic and avoiding downtime and high consequential costs.
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Indikator spremnika s LED displejom
LED tank display enables the fuel level to be read off

Indikator spremnika s LED displejom

LED indikator spremnika na prikolici omogućuje uvijek jasno očitavanje razine napunjenosti goriva transportne rashladne jedinice.
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Flashing side marking lights
Side marking lights for enhanced road safety

Flashing side marking lights

The flashing side marking lights (SML) help to avoid accidents when turning. When the driver indicates, the side marking lights on the semi-trailer also flash and signal to other road users that the vehicle is about to turn.
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Electronic ramp approach aid
Information on resetting with the electronic ramp approach aid

Electronic ramp approach aid

The electronic ramp approach aid assists drivers when approaching loading ramps. Once reverse gear has been engaged, the system uses visual and audible signals to inform the driver of the distance remaining behind the vehicle. When the semi-trailer is nearing the ramp, the trailer brakes independently.
Saznajte više
  • Kompaktni spoj prema obliku
  • Vezne točke i sredstva za učvršćivanje
Kompaktni spoj prema obliku
Lashing points and aids


Opsežna certificiranja za vašu sigurnost pri svakodnevnom prijevozu.

  • Duljina nadogradnje, unutarnja13,4 / 14,7 / 16,8m
  • Širina nadogradnje, unutarnja*2.460 ili 2.490mm
  • Visina nadogradnje, unutarnja*2.350 - 3.050mm
  • Mjesta za palete33 / 36 / 41Euro palete
  • Orlando Ferreira
  • Pfenning Logistics Group
  • TAE
  • STI
Partnership between J.S. Logistics and Schmitz Cargobull

J.S. Logistics

Sve na jednom mjestu - to bi mogao biti moto partnerstva tvrtke J.S. Logistics iz Kirkela u Saarskoj i tvrtke Schmitz Cargobull.
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The Pfenning Logistics Group transports goods in Schmitz Cargobull semi-trailers.

Grupa Pfenning Logistics

Grupa Pfenning Logistics transportira robu za prehrambene trgovine vozilima Schmitz Cargobull.

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TAE Transports i Serveis integrals

The Spanish transport and logistics company TAE Transports i Serveis integrals is reinforcing its fleet with 40 S.KO COOL SMART reefer with the EXECUTIVE PLUS package and is therefore once again relying on our technology and services.
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STI Freight Management relies on S.KO COOL box body semi-trailers.

STI Freight Management

STI Freight Management oslanja se na aktualnu generaciju sandučastih poluprikolica S.KO COOL i želi postupno cijeli vozni park opremiti novom tehnologijom SmartTrailer.
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* ovisno o zakonskim zahtjevima i pojedinačnim specifikacijama vozila.

Ugovori o servisu

Uz odgovarajući ugovor o servisu zadržavate potpunu kontrolu nad troškovima, a mi brinemo o tome da ostanete mobilni!
Više o:Ugovori o servisu
Service Partners keep you mobile and minimise your downtimes.


Telematika TrailerConnect® daje vam sve potrebne informacije o vašim vozilima.
Više o:Telematika
TrailerConnect? telematics provides you with all the information you need on your trailers.


Izrađujemo za vas individualnu ponudu s atraktivnim uvjetima za cijeli životni vijek vaše investicije.
Više o:Financiranje
Individual quote with attractive terms and conditions for the entire lifecycle of your investment.

+385 1 2013 914

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