Zbog niskih ukupnih operativnih troškova sandučasta poluprikolica S.KO COOL SMART ekonomski je isplativa. Ova poluprikolica omogućuje sigurnost tereta, sigurno baratanje temperiranom robom i kratka vremena pretovara na rampi. Standardno ugrađena telematika TrailerConnect® omogućuje transparentnost i dosljednu dokumentaciju rashladnog lanca.
Vaše prednosti
Novi sustav raspodjele zraka –s robusnim spojnim poklopcima optimaliziranima za rashladnu jedinicu S.CU –za učinkovitu, ravnomjernu kontrolu temperature u nadogradnjiPročitajte više
TrailerConnect® telematika za transparentno upravljanje vašom flotom vozilaPročitajte više
Schmitz Cargobull's smart security components meet the highest security standards of the Transported Asset Protection Association (TAPA)Pročitajte više
Komforni pisač temperature kao dopuna serijskom, digitalnom uređaju za bilježenje temperaturePročitajte više
Modularni sustav za individualnu konfiguraciju vozila, npr. pojednostavljeno osiguranje tereta s multifunkcijskim podom, sustavom za katno tovarenje i šinama zaosiguranje tereta.Pročitajte više
Sandučasta nadogradnja nepropusna za difuziju pare, otporna na starenje i odlamanje s toplinskom tehnologijom FERROPLAST®Pročitajte više
Jednostavno čišćenje koje omogućuje zavarena podna konstrukcija nepropusna za tekućine i ugradbeni elementi u ravnini osiguravaju optimalnu higijenu u vozilu.Pročitajte više
Paketi opreme
Prekogranični promet
Paket TIR opreme za veću sigurnost i udobnost u prekograničnom prometu roba. Točno ono što trebate, ako želite brže proći carinjenje na granici s kraćim vremenima čekanja.Pročitajte višeDB oprema
Upravo kod velikih udaljenosti kombinirani promet je ekonomična alternativa. Da bi se omogućio optimalan vertikalni pretovar, prikolice su opremljene prihvatnim rubovima zahvaljujući kojima se poluprikolica lako može utovariti pomoću dizalice ili reach stackera.Pročitajte višeTrajektna oprema
Sigurno na vodi zahvaljujući trajektnoj opremi za prijevoz s pratnjom ili bez pratnje. Trajektne ušice za osiguranje vozila na trajektu, jasno označene vezne točke i zaštita od podlijetanja s kliznom zaštitom osiguravaju sigurnost i zaštitu vozila i robe.Pročitajte višePaket Pharma
Transportna rashladna jedinica S.CU omogućuje pravu temperaturu na putu. Senzori i uređaji za bilježenje temperature nadziru i pouzdano dokumentiraju podatke o pojedinačnim temperaturnim poljima u vozilu. Pregrade, katni ugradni elementi i šine za osiguranje tereta na raspolaganju su za učinkovit i siguran prijevoz.Pročitajte više
Reliable. Safe. Smart.
A carrier delivers pharmaceutical products to the Netherlands and France with the S.KO COOL reefer with S.CU V2.0 cooling unit.
Šasija i vozni mehanizam
vozno postolje
Running gear
3 m u nadogradnji
Dvije razine
Posebna oprema
Stražnja strana
Posebna oprema
Side wall
Temperirani prijevoz
The TrailerConnect® telematics system masters these challenges in the field of temperature-controlled transport:
Constant temperature
- In temperature-controlled transport, the cold chain must be maintained throughout the entire transport and the temperature in the trailer must remain constant. The S.KO COOL semi-trailers with FERROPLAST® insulation and Schmitz Cargobull refrigeration machine are optimally matched to each other and reliably keep the temperature constant.
Pročitajte više -
Detect temperature deviations early and intervene
- TrailerConnect® telematics detects deviations in real time to ensure compliance with temperature requirements and protect sensitive goods. Warning messages enable the driver and dispatcher to take appropriate action in good time and protect the goods from spoilage.
Pročitajte više -
Compliance with regulations
- Strict regulations and guidelines must be taken into account in temperature-controlled transport. Box semi-trailer, transport conditions and reports must comply with specifications such as GDP (Good Distribution Practice) and the immediately available temperature reports according to DIN 12863. The right vehicle for the various requirements can be selected in the TrailerConnect® portal.
Pročitajte više -
Plan maintenance optimally
- Failures in the refrigeration machine can lead to damage to the products being transported. With TrailerConnect® telematics and associated services, e.g. Predictive Maintenance ensure that maintenance is planned and carried out with foresight.
Pročitajte više
Advantages for the dispatcher
- All information at a glance
- Efficient planning of routes
- Remote access to refrigeration machine and trailer
- Transparent processes and tour monitoring, also of subcontractors used
- Fast reaction to events (e.g. correction of setpoints)
- Reliable compliance with the cold chain and optimum processes
- Transport data available at all times
- Automatic recording of the route from the start
Advantages for the fleet manager
- Fast and digital availability of documentation (e.g. temperature records)
- Optimal selection of the right vehicle and equipment (certificates, documents, reports)
- Central monitoring of transport orders in a clear manner on one platform
- Fast communication in case of questions
Advantages for the driver
- All information in one platform ensures efficient communication between driver and dispatcher
- Better concentration on transport thanks to presettings on the refrigeration unit and the rear door
- Timely warning of disruptions and impending breakdowns
- Avoidance of breakdowns
- Optimised route planning by determining the estimated time of arrival (ETA) and taking driving times into account
What exactly is behind the individual benefits in the portal?
So you have all tours and events at a glance- Clear presentation in the portal as a map (Google Maps), graphic or list
- Current status of tour or fleet
- Summary of histories
- Individual setting of alarms and setpoints -
This is what TrailerConnect® Data Management Center (DMC) and TrailerConnect® TourTrack provide:
− Secure and controlled data exchange with customers and shippers
− Integrated subcontractor network displayed anonymously
− Individual configuration of each route with automated route start, current status messages and ETA determination -
This gives you an overview of the running time of the cooling unit− Monitoring the level of the refrigeration machine in the portal with a tank sensor for diesel-powered refrigeration machines and a battery monitor for electric refrigeration machines
− Alarm in time, before failure is imminent -
In this way, the portal supports you in maintaining the cold chain− Two-way communication with the cooling unit
− Current cooling unit status in real time - even when the trailer is uncoupled
− Changing settings and setpoints on the cooling unit in the portal: e.g. switching on and off, predefined temperature sets and alarms -
How to obtain legally compliant proof of compliance with the cold chain− Digital temperature recorder integrated in the telematics control unit CTU Pro
− Creation of temperature reports (according to DIN 12863)
− Transmission via digital temperature recorder or temperature printer on the vehicle (optional)
− If required, portal access for clients to their data -
This is how you protect the cargo from unauthorised access− Door locking system on the trailer PIN-secured
− Central control of the door locking system in the portal
− Access to freight only in defined zones with geofences
− Alarm informs in case of unauthorised door opening
Raspodjela zraka
Rashladna jedinica
MultiTemp oprema
Trakaste zavese
Raspodjela zraka
Rashladna jedinica
MultiTemp oprema
Trakaste zavese
Pisač temperature
Sustavi pomoći
Safety refrigerated case
Sustav zaključavanja vrata i kontaktni senzor vrata
Sustavi tlaka u gumama
Indikator spremnika s LED displejom
Treptajuća bočna označna svjetla
elektronsko pomagalo za dolazak na rampu
Safety refrigerated case
Sustav zaključavanja vrata i kontaktni senzor vrata
Pressure monitoring system
Brake pad wear indicator
Indikator spremnika s LED displejom
Flashing side marking lights
Electronic ramp approach aid
osiguranje tereta
Kompaktni spoj prema obliku
Vezne točke i sredstva za učvršćivanje
Kompaktni spoj prema obliku
Lashing points and aids
Opsežna certificiranja za vašu sigurnost pri svakodnevnom prijevozu.
DIN EN 1264 Code XL
Standardna certificirana čvrstoća nadogradnje. S certifikatom u skladu s normom DIN EN 12642 Code XL nadogradnje Schmitz Cargobull ispunjavaju zahtjeve za ojačane nadogradnje za osiguranje tereta.Pročitajte višeATP certifikat
Radi pružanja dokaza o neprekinutom rashladnom lancu za vrijeme transporta naša vozila ATP klase udovoljavaju zahtjevima FRC ili opcionalno FNA, ovisno o primjeni i mogućnostima opreme.Pročitajte višeHACCP
Kad je u pitanju higijena prijevoza hrane i farmaceutskih proizvoda, ne pristajemo na kompromise za naša vozila. Unutrašnjost naših vozila ispunjava najstrože zahtjeve u pogledu čistoće i higijene prema sustavu HACCP.Pročitajte višePrijevoz farmaceutskih proizvoda
Za prijevoz osjetljivih farmaceutskih proizvoda vozilo mora udovoljavati određenim zahtjevima za prijevoz lijekova. Naljepnica s certifikatom za farmaceutske proizvode dokazuje da vozilo ispunjava ove uvjete.Pročitajte više
Tehnički podaci
- Duljina nadogradnje, unutarnja13,4 / 14,7 / 16,8m
- Širina nadogradnje, unutarnja*2.460 ili 2.490mm
- Visina nadogradnje, unutarnja*2.350 - 3.050mm
- Mjesta za palete33 / 36 / 41Euro palete
What our customers say
Orlando Ferreira
Pfenning Logistics Group
* ovisno o zakonskim zahtjevima i pojedinačnim specifikacijama vozila.
Naše usluge
Customer Journey S.KO COOL
Cooling units S.CU - Short information
Safety refrigerated case S.KO COOL - Short information
Kratke informacije o poluprikolicama S.KO COOL SMART