Cooling units for perfect temperature-controlled freight transport
Our cooling units are economical, lightweight and quiet. Extremely precise temperature control, optimum heat output and reduced defrosting cycles are just a few of their excellent properties. MonoTemp and MultiTemp versions offer long maintenance intervals and excellent availability at low cost. The cooling units are also suitable for the transport of pharmaceutical products.
Your benefits
Нова погонска единица со дизел-мотор со комон рејл со голема ефикасност и со моќност од 19 kW и генератор со оптимизирана ефикасност.Прочитајте повеќе
Оптимално управување со температура за транспорт на чувствителен товарПрочитајте повеќе
Иновативна и достојна конструкција со подолги циклуси за одржувањеПрочитајте повеќе
Ја исполнува новата ЕУ-регулатива за издувни гасови Фаза VПрочитајте повеќе
Може да се добие како MonoTemp-систем или MultiTemp-системПрочитајте повеќе
Кратки циклуси за одмрзнување и голем капацитет за греењеПрочитајте повеќе
Помала потрошувачка на гориво при управување со парцијален товарПрочитајте повеќе
Europe-wide service network with trained specialist workshopsПрочитајте повеќе
Over-the-air updates, control and monitoring of technical functions with TrailerConnect®Прочитајте повеќе
S.CU d80 and S.CU dc85 cooling unit
Diesel-powered cooling units - The right product for every requirement
S.CU d80
Cost-effective entry-level model for the volume market
- Proven, robust, emission-optimized diesel engine
- Optimized refrigeration circuit with scroll technology and microchannel condenser for higher operational reliability at increased outside temperatures
- Quietest transport refrigeration machine on the market: 94.9 dB(A)
- Up to 14,000 watts cooling capacity, up to 10,500 watts heating capacity
- Reduced refrigerant charge for greater sustainability
- Available in MonoTemp version
NEW: S.CU dc85
Transport cooling unit for the most demanding customer requirements
- Up to 5 % less fuel consumption*
- Modern diesel common-rail technology for maximum efficiency
- Electronic RPM regulation for low speed fluctuations
- Microchannel capacitor for increased operational reliability and sustainability
- 1.5kg less refrigerant*
- MultiTemp option
- Low maintenance costs
- Up to 16,000 W cooling capacity and 12,500 W heating capacityHighly efficient common rail diesel engine and optimized generator with precise temperature management
*Compared to the previous model S.CU V2.0 Performance
S.CU ePTO ready: cost-effective emission-free solution in combination with an eTruck
- The S.CU d80 cooling unit is available ex works with an optional interface for an electric power take-off (ePTO).
- Maximum flexibility in a mixed fleet, regardless of the driveline type or truck manufacturer.
- Low investment costs, as no additional high voltage battery or e-axle required in the trailer.
- Protection against spoilage: Diesel generator as a backup if no energy is supplied via the ePTO.
- The energy supply is switched over independently by the S.CU control unit.
Applies to all cooling units S.CU: