Food distribution 

Food distribution 

Anyone who transports perishable or temperature-sensitive goods knows: the cold chain must not be interrupted under any circumstances. That's why Schmitz Cargobull offers vehicles that you can rely on in almost any situation. Regardless of whether you transport your goods in the frozen, fresh or pharmaceutical sector, Schmitz Cargobull offers a suitable solution.
W.KO COOL swap bodies are efficient and save time when loading and unloading.


W.KO COOL swap bodies are efficient and save time when loading and unloading. Swap bodies are perfect for intermodal transport on long rail routes. Fast swapping ensures short waiting times and higher utilisation of your vehicles' capacity.
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Time-saving loading and unloading with the M.KO/Z.KO high-volume truck body and trailer combination


Com os reboques de carregamento directo, o camião de caixa M.KO pode ser carregado e descarregado por empilhador directamente através do reboque de eixo central Z.KO. Isto poupa tempo e espaço, uma vez que a carroçaria do camião de grande volume e a combinação do reboque só precisa de conduzir até à rampa uma vez e não há necessidade de desengatar o reboque.
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S.KO CITY box body semi-trailer with steering axle.


The S.KO CITY box body semi-trailer's steering axle provides the manoeuvrability needed when delivering to food retailers in urban environments. Its mechanical power steering ensures that it copes with narrow streets, access roads or loading yards without any loss of time. And our additional services allow you to see where your trailer is located at any time.
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  • Sistema de contenção a frio
  • Parede divisória transversal
  • Segmento traseiro oscilante

Sistema de contenção a frio

As carroçarias isoladas dos camiões frigoríficos perdem ar frio no espaço de carga quando se abrem as portas traseiras ou a plataforma elevatória traseira. Para reduzir esta troca de ar, existem opções de sistema de retenção a frio para atrasar a fuga de ar frio.

Stationary plastic curtain

The plastic curtain made of 200mm single strips for the entire rear wall opening is firmly mounted at the rear of the superstructure.
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Plastic curtain for side door

When the side door is opened, this curtain reduces the air exchange between the body and the surroundings. The individual strips are permanently mounted in the side door area.

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Rolltop automatic roller curtain

The automatic roll-up tarpaulin can be programmed to roll up/down automatically when the tailgate or tail lift is opened.
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Lengthways adjustable plastic curtain

The plastic curtain consists of three parts, whereby the entire curtain is adjustable in length and the parts can be moved 3x across. This prevents cold air from escaping from certain areas.
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Electric air curtain 

The air curtain is mounted stationary at the rear of the body under the roof. During loading and unloading, the electric air curtain is automatically activated. The outside air is sucked in and released downwards. This creates an "air curtain" and the cold air from the load compartment cannot escape. 
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Sliding plastic curtain

This plastic curtain consists of three parts and is firmly mounted at the rear of the body. The individual parts can be moved transversely.
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Foam-filled insulating curtains 

The insulated curtain consists of three movable sections. The individual parts can be moved transversely and are attached to the rear of the superstructure.
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Parede divisória transversal para câmaras de 1/3 e 2/3

Partição longitudinal variável

  • Sistema de câmara
  • Luzes
  • Fixação de carga
  • Degrau Traseiro
  • Proteção Traseira
  • Pára Ciclistas

Assistente de direção

O sistema de assistente de direção é feito de uma câmara lateral e de um sistema de aviso de sensor lateral permitindo ao condutor saber se algo está no ângulo morto próximo - É especialmente importante quando o camião está a virar à direita. Os sensores de proximidade ultra-sónicos alertam o condutor de obstáculos próximos do veículo, quer estejam em movimento ou parados. Um aviso sonoro e/ou visual na cabina informa da distância enquanto que um alarme sonoro externo opcional pode ser acrescentado para alertar ciclistas e peões de que o veículo está a virar. 
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Safety rear lights SL2

The LED lights on the vehicle rear top act not only as a regular marking light, but they also light up in bright red/orange to provide a visible signal to traffic behind that the vehicle is braking or turning.
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LED reversing lights

These lights ensure that the rear area is sufficiently illuminated for loading and unloading at night and in poor lighting conditions. Reverse lights are activated and work only in case the reverse gear is on. 

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LED working light at the side

The LED working lights ensure that the sides of the vehicle are sufficiently illuminated. The safety level when maneuvering is significantly increased due to better surrounding visibility. 
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LED working light at rear

The LED working light at the rear ensures optimal visibility when working in the dark, eliminating accidents that could occur due to limited visibility. It is only available with roller shutter, top flap or full tail lift platform cover.

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Load securing

Load restraint tracks are an important option for all truck bodies to secure the load efficiently and easily. Up to three load restraint tracks can be placed above one another. Tension belts and telescopic locking bars (aluminum square tubing) can be used for load securing.

Recessed load restraint track

Galvanized load restraint tracks are fully recessed into the side walls, enabling customers to use the complete internal width. 
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Square telescopic locking bars

Telescopic ALU square locking bars offer a blocking force of 1100daN. Thanks to telescopic ends, the length of the beam can be adjusted to be compatible with different internal body widths. 

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Recessed riveted load restraint track

These load restraint tracks are additionally rivet, reinforced and glued, which helps to avoid load restraint track being wrenched off. 
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Loading volume with the double-decker system for the S.KO box body semi-trailer

Double decker beams

The double deck system is used for loading the pallets in two heights – on the floor and on support beams – by increasing the load quantity in the box body.
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Surface mounted load restraint track

Galvanized surface mounted load restraint tracks are riveted to the side walls. However, this type of load restraint track reduces the internal width by 24mm.  
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Telescopic round locking beam

These telescopic round locking beams can be used as support for any type of light load. They are offered in two different combinations of end fixtures – rubber or spigot at the foot. 
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WABCO TailGuard

The reversing warning system – WABCO TailGuard – increases vehicle safety and reduces risk when reversing by detecting stationary and moving objects in the blind spot behind the vehicle, and independently stopping the vehicle at a safe distance. WABCO TailGuard is automatically activated by shifting into reverse gear. The system uses several ultrasonic sensors to measure the distance to objects located behind the vehicle.
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Ried White Sounds

The reversing warning system – Ried White Sounds –prevents accidents by warning anyone in a vehicle’s path that it is moving backwards. This system uses a wide range of white sound frequencies, which give greater directional information to the ear, enabling   listeners to instantly locate where and what direction the sound is coming from.
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Service Partners keep you mobile and minimise your downtimes.

Contratos de serviço

O acordo de serviços adequado permite que mantenha o controlo completo sobre os custos enquanto nós garantimos a mobilidade da sua frota!
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TrailerConnect? telematics provides you with all the information you need on your trailers.


A telemática TrailerConnect® oferece todas as informações necessárias sobre os seus veículos.
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Individual quote with attractive terms and conditions for the entire lifecycle of your investment.


Podemos apresentar-lhe uma proposta individual com condições atrativas para todo o ciclo de vida útil do seu investimento.
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