Trenul de rulare al suprastructurii cu container S.CF ALLROUND 20-45 asigură flexibilitate, siguranţă şi profitabilitate. Containerele între 20‘ şi 45‘ EU cu tunel lung şi colţuri oblice pot fi asigurate cu diferite sisteme de blocare. Protecţia glisantă împotriva încălecării este disponibilă standard la S.CF ALLROUND 20-45.
The S.CF Allround 20-45 semi-trailer container chassis delivers flexibility.
  • Şasiu
  • Tren de rulare
  • Sisteme de blocare
  • Others
Running gear
Sisteme de blocare
New operating concept with loading plan and clear function and warning notices on locks and extensions.
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Reliably maintaining the cold chain with containers

Reefer containers (20'/40'/40' high cube) account for 4% of the total volume of TEU sea containers and therefore transport well over 50% of refrigerated cargo by sea. Refrigerated containers must also be safely supplied with power for several days during subsequent land transportation. Schmitz Cargobull offers a complete ex-works solution for the S.CF ALLROUND 20-45 container chassis. The universal solution for 20' to 45' containers is equipped with a generator set for a self-sufficient power supply, making it even more versatile and increasing its trailer uptime.
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Control panel

The control panel with TFT monitor shows the operating status, consumption, total running time and the next maintenance date, among other things.
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CEE socket

Easy handling: power supply to the refrigerated containers via the CEE socket on the front bar.
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Diesel tank

130 litre diesel tank for continuous operation of refrigerated containers for several days.
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Your advantages

  • One-stop shopping: complete solution ex works without additional effort by retrofitting at the service partner
  • Customised and reliable thanks to individual adaptation to the S.CF ALLROUND 20-45 container chassis
  • High ground clearance of approx. 310 mm
  • Self-sufficient power supply for up to 60 hours from remote units
  • Branded product with large service network
  • Immediately available from stock

Contracte de service

Cu contractul de service adecvat puteţi menţine controlul complet asupra costurilor, iar noi ne ocupăm, ca dumneavoastră să vă păstraţi mobilitatea!
Mai multe despre:Contracte de service
Service Partners keep you mobile and minimise your downtimes.


Cu sistemul telematic TrailerConnect® aveţi acces la toate informaţiile necesare despre autovehiculele dumneavoastră.
Mai multe despre:Telematică
TrailerConnect? telematics provides you with all the information you need on your trailers.


Noi vă întocmim o oferă individualizată în condiții atractive, valabilă pe întreaga durată de viață a investiției dumneavoastră.
Mai multe despre:Finanţare
Individual quote with attractive terms and conditions for the entire lifecycle of your investment.

+40 214443555


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