Cargobull Telematics obtained “Assured Sustainability” test certificate
“We’re very proud of this certification, as it shows that the important topic of sustainability is actively implemented throughout the company. It is important for us to strengthen the orientation towards qualitative, social, and ecological criteria as part of our corporate philosophy. Here we rely on transparent, clearly formulated processes and extensive quality controls, which confirm again and again the confidence of our customers in the performance of our products and services. Of course, our employees are our most valuable asset in this respect. We can only achieve our ambitious goals with motivated employees,” says Marnix Lannoije, Managing Director of Cargobull Telematics GmbH.
As of now, the TrailerConnect® telematics system is also certified and, therefore, offers the customer decisive advantages. “The certified telematics system stands out from the mass of providers as an ‘excellent’ sustainable product and enhances the operator’s vehicle fleet accordingly,” says Leoni Nathaus, Head of Product Management & Service Sales Product Line Digital Services. “The user of our products thus brings a high level of sustainability and safety competence to their business. In public tenders or audits, such as for ISO 14001 Environmental Management, ISO 50001 Energy Management or ISO 16247 Energy Audit, the fleet operator can decisively improve its positioning by the use of a certified TrailerConnect® system. The same applies increasingly to customers who insist on various proofs of a company’s sustainability before placing orders. In this regard we are on the cutting edge with our product, helping to speed up the process accordingly.”
Certified telematics system TrailerConnect® offers the customer decisive advantages
The Münster-based Institute for Sustainability and Economics supports companies and public institutions in making their sustainability efforts visible to the outside world. The goal is the sustainable development and documentation of the responsibility and quality of future-oriented companies. Already active nationally
and internationally since 1991, the Institute for Sustainability and Economics successfully combines different areas of teaching and research. The guiding principles include working in an energy-, cost- and material-efficient manner, a good working atmosphere for employees and the use of regional as well as renewable or recyclable raw materials. The certifications with the sustainability test seal are available in different languages. They are recognised by government authorities and in more than 400 different industries worldwide and add value to offers and tenders. In addition to consulting, certification, analytical work and development in the field of sustainability, climate neutrality, CO2 compensation and carbon offsetting, the service portfolio includes climate protection projects, compliance, supply chain analyses and sustainability reports. As a member of various advisory boards, for example, that of the GVO Sustainability Foundation, their expert opinion is not only in demand for projects conducted at various university or federal ministries; they are also often invited to give an opinion by the media (newspaper, radio, television).
Про Schmitz Cargobull
Schmitz Cargobull є провідним виробником напівпричепів для перевезення вантажів з регульованою температурою, генеральних і сипучих вантажів в Європі, а також піонером в області цифрових рішень для обслуговування причепів і поліпшення зв'язку. Компанія також виробляє транспортні холодильні машини для рефрижераторних напівпричепів для вантажних перевезень з контрольованою температурою. Завдяки широкому спектру послуг від фінансування, постачання запасних частин, сервісних контрактів і телематичних рішень до торгівлі вживаними транспортними засобами, Schmitz Cargobull підтримує своїх клієнтів в оптимізації загальної вартості володіння (TCO) і цифровій трансформації. Schmitz Cargobull була заснована в 1892 році в Мюнстерланді, Німеччина. Сімейна компанія виробляє близько 60 000 транспортних засобів на рік, на ній працює понад 6 000 співробітників, а її оборот у 2022/23 фінансовому році склав близько 2,6 мільярда євро. Міжнародна виробнича мережа наразі складається з десяти заводів у Німеччині, Литві, Іспанії, Англії, Туреччині, Словаччині та Австралії.
Прес-служба Schmitz Cargobull:
Anna Stuhlmeier: | +49 2558 81-1340 I |
Andrea Beckonert: | +49 2558 81-1321 I |
Silke Hesener: | +49 2558 81-1501 I |
“Assured Sustainability” test certificate
Press Release: "Cargobull Telematics obtained “Assured Sustainability” test certificate"