Smart equipment for securing vehicles and their cargo

Schmitz Cargobull already equips its trailers with flashing side marking lights as standard for early recognition of turning manoeuvres. These are designed primarily to help prevent accidents that occur while turning. For example, cyclists riding next to the trailer can become aware of the turning manoeuvre much earlier thanks to the flashing side marking lights, enabling them to respond accordingly.
Dynamic ramp protection
Almost 40% of all Schmitz Cargobull customers have now opted for the dynamic rear ramp protection (DRP). In the new 3.0 version, the conical roller bumpers cushion the impact with the ramp as well as the movements caused by loading carried out with a forklift even more continuously and gently. The tail end of the trailer is protected, which sustains the resale value. The modular rear body enables individual parts to be retrofitted where necessary. This reduces both downtime and costs in the event of repairs.
The new optional immobilizer protects the trailer from theft or unauthorised movement. After parking, the lock is activated in a few seconds and the wheels of the trailer are locked. The lock can be activated or deactivated with a PIN directly on site by the driver or remotely via TrailerConnect® Portal.
“Pharma” utility package
Schmitz Cargobull box body semi-trailers are certified for the transportation of pharmaceutical products.
Refrigerated trailers automatically receive all relevant pieces of equipment with this package. When transporting pharmaceutical products temperature reliability has the highest priority and transporters are required to adhere strictly to the defined temperature ranges. Calibrated temperature sensors are installed in the trailer to detect any fluctuations early on, ensuring the control and constant monitoring of the goods. In addition to seamless and sustained temperature monitoring, good air and temperature distribution is just as important as compliance with the special hygienic requirements placed on the S.KO COOL box body semi-trailer. The cooling unit is another important piece of equipment. The Schmitz Cargobull S.CU transport cooling unit has a high cooling and heating capacity with two or four pharmaceutical-grade, specially calibrated temperature sensors, temperature recorders and, as an option, a Schmitz Cargobull multi-temp partition wall and a circulation wall for verified air and temperature distribution in the body. Here, Schmitz Cargobull not only offers its own transport cooling unit, but also all common third-party models.
CIS Cargobull Interface System
The CIS is used to monitor data such as the charge level of the cooling unit’s battery.
To help ensure that operation of the cooling unit is not interrupted and, in turn, that goods
are kept at the right temperature, the cooling unit’s battery is monitored. If the charge level is critical or if a pre-set threshold is reached, periphery devices are switched off first, followed by the TrailerConnect® unit to help maintain the cooling performance as long as possible.
The CIS is also used for tractor unit recognition. If the tractor unit is equipped with a corresponding RFID tag, the built-in receiver can identify the tractor via radio signal and displays this information in the TrailerConnect® Portal. In addition, the CIS has a wireless LAN repeater that ensures an optimum range and stability of the telematics unit’s wireless LAN. The increased availability and stability of the wireless LAN offers the driver a much more comfortable use of the functions of the portal features, especially via the beSmart app on their smartphone.
Solar panel
A solar panel on the Schmitz Cargobull S.CU transport cooling unit helps to prevent deep discharging of the cooling unit’s starter battery. Due to long idle times, especially in winter,
or through additional loads such as a temperature recorder, discharging of the starter battery can occur. If deep discharging does occur, the battery will be damaged and have to be
replaced. With the new S.CU solar panel, such complicated and costly situations can be avoided. The starter battery of the S.CU transport cooling unit is charged with the help of the solar panel and, as a result, remains operational for a longer period of time. The S.CU’s solar module is installed directly on the cooling unit. This has the advantage that the trailer’s overall height is not affected. Thanks to the tilt angle of the panel, soiling as well as snow and ice accumulation is minimised, which means that its efficiency is not affected even in winter. Another advantage is that the solar module can also be retrofitted on existing S.CU transport cooling units. Schmitz Cargobull has put together a special retrofit kit that customers can order from their Schmitz Cargobull service partner and then have it installed.
Про Schmitz Cargobull
Schmitz Cargobull є провідним виробником напівпричепів для перевезення вантажів з регульованою температурою, генеральних і сипучих вантажів в Європі, а також піонером в області цифрових рішень для обслуговування причепів і поліпшення зв'язку. Компанія також виробляє транспортні холодильні машини для рефрижераторних напівпричепів для вантажних перевезень з контрольованою температурою. Завдяки широкому спектру послуг від фінансування, постачання запасних частин, сервісних контрактів і телематичних рішень до торгівлі вживаними транспортними засобами, Schmitz Cargobull підтримує своїх клієнтів в оптимізації загальної вартості володіння (TCO) і цифровій трансформації. Schmitz Cargobull була заснована в 1892 році в Мюнстерланді, Німеччина. Сімейна компанія виробляє близько 60 000 транспортних засобів на рік, на ній працює понад 6 000 співробітників, а її оборот у 2022/23 фінансовому році склав близько 2,6 мільярда євро. Міжнародна виробнича мережа наразі складається з десяти заводів у Німеччині, Литві, Іспанії, Англії, Туреччині, Словаччині та Австралії.
Прес-служба Schmitz Cargobull:
Anna Stuhlmeier: | +49 2558 81-1340 I |
Andrea Beckonert: | +49 2558 81-1321 I |
Silke Hesener: | +49 2558 81-1501 I |
Image 1: Schmitz Cargobull solar panel
Image 2: S.KO COOL box body semi-trailer with solar panel
Press Release: "Smart equipment for securing vehicles and their cargo"
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