Schmitz Cargobull impresses in ETM Verlag’s readers’ choice award

Schmitz Cargobull impresses in ETM Verlag’s readers’ choice award

In September 2024, Schmitz Cargobull took home not one but five awards for the first time in the ETM publishing company’s much coveted Best Brand Awards, which are voted for by readers.

In September 2024, Schmitz Cargobull took home not one but five awards for the first time in the ETM publishing company’s much coveted Best Brand Awards, which are voted for by readers. More than 3,000 readers of FERNFAHRER and trans.aktuell magazines and users of the portal took part in the vote. And they ended up awarding first place Schmitz Cargobull’s S.KI tipper semi-trailer with on-board weighing system, the TrailerConnect® telematics system, the S.CU transport cooling unit, the ROTOS® axle and the EcoDuo concept. In the “Light-weight semi-trailer” category, the BERGERecotrailer semi-trailer, which has been available through the Schmitz Cargobull sales network since early 2024, came out on top.

“The five awards presented to Schmitz Cargobull as part of this year’s readers’ choice award are particularly valuable for us as they come directly from the users of our products,” said Andreas Schmitz, Chairman of the Board of Schmitz Cargobull AG, at the awards ceremony held during the IAA TRANSPORTATION 2024 in Hannover on 19 September. “This recognition shows us that our products impress during day-to-day use and meet our customers’ high standards. We are particularly proud that our S.CU transport cooling unit was named as best cooling unit in the semi-trailer cooling category. This shows that the full package offered by Schmitz Cargobull for the area of temperature-controlled transport has been well received by customers. I’d like to say a huge thank you to our customers and the readers who voted for us and, of course, to the entire Schmitz Cargobull team, too. Successes like these are only possible with the commitment of every one of them.”

An important indicator and benchmark

Schmitz Cargobull also came out on top in the semi-trailer telematics and axles categories. “Schmitz Cargobull is a universal system provider with its TrailerConnect® telematics system and cooling unit,” Schmitz continued. “Every component is ideally tuned to our semi-trailers and work seamlessly together. This holistic approach has proven to be effective and extremely successful for our customers.”

The EcoDuo combination is ideally suited to combined transport and reduces the carbon emissions per tonne transported by road by more than 25 percent. The EcoDuo is starting a one-year pilot project in Germany in September 2024. The global logistics provider Sesé, which uses the EcoDuo for its regular operations in Spain, is driving the EcoDuo back and forth between the VW plant in Wolfsburg and a terminal in Lehrte.

The ETM Award is regarded as an important indicator and benchmark in the commercial vehicles sector. The ETM Verlag held its first ever reader vote back in 1997. In the 2024, the motto for the coveted awards was “BEST OF NEW TRANSPORTATION”. The updated awards process covered the areas of “vehicles and trailers”, “suppliers and service providers” and “concepts”. This year, selected participants voted in 24 categories, with a specific product being the focus in most cases. Readers were able to choose from a total of 94 participants from the commercial vehicles sector, ranging from HGVs and transporters through to products, solutions and brands.

Caption: from left: Martin Krömer (Berger Fahrzeugtechnik GmbH), Andreas Schmitz (CEO Schmitz Cargobull) and Ralph Kleideiter (Sales Schmitz Cargobull)

Picture credits: ETM Verlag

Про Schmitz Cargobull

Schmitz Cargobull є провідним виробником напівпричепів для перевезення вантажів з регульованою температурою, генеральних і сипучих вантажів в Європі, а також піонером в області цифрових рішень для обслуговування причепів і поліпшення зв'язку. Компанія також виробляє транспортні холодильні машини для рефрижераторних напівпричепів для вантажних перевезень з контрольованою температурою. Завдяки широкому спектру послуг від фінансування, постачання запасних частин, сервісних контрактів і телематичних рішень до торгівлі вживаними транспортними засобами, Schmitz Cargobull підтримує своїх клієнтів в оптимізації загальної вартості володіння (TCO) і цифровій трансформації. Schmitz Cargobull була заснована в 1892 році в Мюнстерланді, Німеччина. Сімейна компанія виробляє близько 60 000 транспортних засобів на рік, на ній працює понад 6 000 співробітників, а її оборот у 2022/23 фінансовому році склав близько 2,6 мільярда євро. Міжнародна виробнича мережа наразі складається з десяти заводів у Німеччині, Литві, Іспанії, Англії, Туреччині, Словаччині та Австралії.


Прес-служба Schmitz Cargobull:

Anna Stuhlmeier:  +49 2558 81-1340 I 
Andrea Beckonert:  +49 2558 81-1321 I
Silke Hesener:  +49 2558 81-1501 I