Changes on the Schmitz Cargobull AG Supervisory Board

“The Supervisory Board is delighted to welcome Bernhard Schmitz on board, not only as a family member and co-owner, but also as an experienced industry expert with a great deal of expertise. We are confident that, with his expertise, we will continue to keep Schmitz Cargobull on a successful course,” says Dirk Hoffmann, Chairman of the Schmitz Cargobull AG Supervisory Board.
Bernhard Schmitz trained at Schmitz Cargobull AG to gain his degree in business administration and also completed a Masters at Business School Lausanne. He has held international posts in the USA, the UK and Switzerland, including the position of Marketing Program Manager at UTC Carrier Corporation in Indianapolis and business consultant at a Swiss consultancy company based in Zurich. Between 2008 and 2020, he held various leadership roles in the areas of Supply Chain and Procurement at Schmitz Cargobull AG. Since 2020, he has been CEO & co-founder of Exxcility Business Solutions GmbH & Co KG, with sites in Altenberge and Pune (IN).
Consolidated financial statement
At the constituent meeting of the Supervisory Board, members approved the consolidated financial statements. General market uncertainty, the high inflation rate, the lingering effects of the Covid pandemic, supply problems, the sudden loss of Russian business and the fire at the refrigerated vehicle plant in Vreden, which led to production being suspended for almost two months, resulted in production and sales figures falling to a total of 45,340 vehicle units (previous year 57,551 units) in the last financial year.
Despite countless activities in new markets and working relationships with new partners, recovery from this decline was not quick.
However, in spite of the fall in sales, the market share in Europe – excluding the UK – could be increased from 23 to approx. 25 percent, meaning that Schmitz Cargobull remains the undisputed market leader.
Fall in revenue and profit – high investments
With the fall in the total market and the significant decline in sales, revenue fell by 8.5 percent to EUR 2,408.6 million compared to the previous year. During the reporting period, profits of around €99.4 million were recorded before tax and interest (previous year €108.5 million). Although profits had fallen compared to the previous year, Schmitz Cargobull remains on financially solid ground and made more investments in the last financial year than it has for several years. It allocated over EUR 97 million to fund product development, production network investments and digitalisation, automation and sustainability.
A reliable partner in the logistics sector
In a volatile market environment, Schmitz Cargobull offers cost-efficient product and service solutions designed to reduce customers’ total operating costs and increase the success of their business. To achieve this, the company has expanded its international production network and made it more flexible. New partnerships are also opening the door for new offers that will allow transport companies to work cost-efficiently.
Through active lobbying, Schmitz Cargobull is aiming to cultivate attractive underlying conditions, reduce bureaucracy for its customers and create a dynamic business environment in Europe.
2030 strategy refined
At the end of the last financial year, Schmitz Cargobull set out its new 2030 strategy and, at the start of the current financial year, got to work on implementing the measures to achieve it. Under the motto “Delivering profitable growth. Together. Focused. Sustainable.” Schmitz Cargobull is aiming to expand its role as a market and Technology leader on the European trailer market. This includes both vehicles and digital services. On a global scale, the focus is on boosting the company’s position in the cooling segment. At the production sites, the goal is to further increase efficiency and improve delivery reliability. Our customers’, partners’ and colleagues’ ability to rely on us is our utmost priority. Over the long term, the aim is to increase revenue to over €3.5 billion and achieve a return on sales of 6 percent over the entire cycle.
Про Schmitz Cargobull
Schmitz Cargobull є провідним виробником напівпричепів для перевезення вантажів з регульованою температурою, генеральних і сипучих вантажів в Європі, а також піонером в області цифрових рішень для обслуговування причепів і поліпшення зв'язку. Компанія також виробляє транспортні холодильні машини для рефрижераторних напівпричепів для вантажних перевезень з контрольованою температурою. Завдяки широкому спектру послуг від фінансування, постачання запасних частин, сервісних контрактів і телематичних рішень до торгівлі вживаними транспортними засобами, Schmitz Cargobull підтримує своїх клієнтів в оптимізації загальної вартості володіння (TCO) і цифровій трансформації. Schmitz Cargobull була заснована в 1892 році в Мюнстерланді, Німеччина. Сімейна компанія виробляє близько 60 000 транспортних засобів на рік, на ній працює понад 6 000 співробітників, а її оборот у 2022/23 фінансовому році склав близько 2,6 мільярда євро. Міжнародна виробнича мережа наразі складається з десяти заводів у Німеччині, Литві, Іспанії, Англії, Туреччині, Словаччині та Австралії.
Прес-служба Schmitz Cargobull:
Anna Stuhlmeier: | +49 2558 81-1340 I |
Andrea Beckonert: | +49 2558 81-1321 I |
Silke Hesener: | +49 2558 81-1501 I |
Image: Bernhard Schmitz, new Member of the Supervisory Board of Schmitz Cargobull
Press Release: Changes on the Schmitz Cargobull AG Supervisory Board